Our history is quite complex. We possess nearly two thousand years of Christian history, yet most of us have only a superficial grasp of it. There isn't a single explanation for this lack of understanding. Numerous events have taken place, and much remains unsaid, leading to a cycle of mistakes and corrections that keeps us spinning like a hamster wheel. Because of this, we never truly catch up and acquire a good understanding.
I sincerely doubt there is a single church historian who fully understands the entirety of the past. The sheer vastness of it on several continents, each group, each movement, and each period of time can be overwhelming. I realized some time ago the enormity of the task, so I decided to only look at certain aspects of it. This led me down the road of attempting to learn more about Celtic Christianity, not the modern, but the ancient.
The Old Ways
I soon realized that the oldest of the oldest is what I was looking for, but so little was written during those times. Then, I discovered that part of the reason for this was two-fold.
The writing people were doing in ancient times was being done on Velum (sheep skin), and sheep in the Celtic lands were small creatures, limiting the writing of the surface area to write on.
Poetry during the ancient days was of high value, even to the point that it seemed that much of the culture (400 - 600) AD tried to work poetry into everything. So this forced me to buy copies of ancient Gaelic poems and, eventually, books. From this, I had to learn to deduce spiritual ideas and concepts from 1700-year-old Poems.
Following this, I started looking at Messianic Christianity and then bits of other cultures, as I felt like the Lord was taking me on a journey. I feel like I have found serious bits, bits to be assembled that show evidence of the true intent of Jesus and the Apostles and what they wanted for us.
These… bits of the Apostolic Gospel seem far more dynamic and alive with possibilities than what we have been served in our modern congregations. Now, in the last few years, I have come up for air and looked around. I find I am a bit appalled at our modern Christianity. In reality, it is a thin soup that feeds little—just enough to keep a person alive but not enough to thrive.
Because of this persistent thinking, we have adopted over the last few hundred years. The Bride of Messiah has transitioned from the Royal journey Jesus put her on to a submissive prostitute, dancing to please its religious overlords.
The Lord has and is still raising up valent workers who are following the biblical mandate to expose darkness. From this, I thank the Lord that so many people have woken up as compared to just a few years ago. But still, this number is still a small fraction of what could be. I say this because the evidence suggests that many people are just leaving one broken system for another, and in that, disappointment will return to their lives.
What we need to comprehend is that we, as the Bride of Messiah, can put no trust in men, systems, denominations, prophets, or even governments. By Jesus' own design, in the days ahead, we will all learn that the ONLY person we can trust will be Jesus. This is why the ministries of today are being shaken; this is why the people's hearts who trusted in them are crumbling. This is being done by Jesus' own will; he allowed the former things to persist, grow, and mature as a test for us all. Will we now learn to follow him? Or will we just settle back into our recliners and watch the show dance on by?
These grandiose super apostles have all had their time on stage to build their kingdoms. Each person is getting exposed, and if they get up again, like Chris Reed and others, then they get exposed a little bit more. I say this as evidence is now coming out from Reminate Radio that Reed, like Shawn Bolz, data mines people's backgrounds on the internet for personal prophetic ministry. Apparently, this was something he fully confessed to Rick Joyner before he was hired at Morningstar.
If you think this is a modern problem and the prophetic was “pure” before the days of social media, then you would be wrong. A few years ago, a woman ( a current resident of Moravian Falls) who was a secretary of another Morningstar VP was hired for the purpose of wandering around the prayer groups during a conference to listen in. All this was done so that this VP had something to prophesy during the conference.
At this point, does any of this actually surprise anyone anymore?
True Christianity is about growing in Jesus, not growing in a religious system. One deals with life on the inside, while the other promotes an illusion on the outside under the pretense of drawing all men to Christ. But Christ said that if He is lifted up, He will draw all men to Himself, so does Jesus need a system to draw people to Himself?
I’ve done a little church planting in the past, but not again. No, it is far better to be people-building than system-building. Every person who starts learning and gets a little more free is another person who is learning to love the Lord a bit deeper. Since going through my own deconstruction and rebuilding, I have run into and have gotten to know a few believers who are more alive, think deeper on issues, and walk with greater levels of wisdom. Many of these generally stay away from various contemporary believers who are still in the system.
They do this simply because they get tired of being told they are going to hell for not attending a local church. But these non-attenders, I feel, are doing more for the Kingdom by their hidden actions than the old group. They are tithing in a new way; they are helping people… they are touching lives. Some have left “ministry” to do this. As a result, they do more effective ministry outside the walls.
The ancient Celts had a profound understanding of the Trinity in us. Armed with this, their form of Christianity spread like wildfire over Britain's Islands until its teaching was contaminated and crushed by Catholic influences.
By percentage, Christianity grew the fastest in the first three hundred years. This was when “Messianic” Christianity had really deep roots, and every Roman Ceasar did all that he could to destroy this life. Unfortunately, Jew and Gentile believers were fully torn apart when the teachings of Rabbi Akim and Ceaser Constantine ripped us apart.
I have often found when researching a topic that the real “meat” of a given topic is hidden and that the “official” narrative is often given as a distraction to keep your eyes away from the truth. This is an effective tool deployed by the dark forces of the world, regardless of the topic.
This is because the recording of history is not impartial, but as the old saying goes, it is written by the victors. When researching the traces of the Apostolic Faith, you keep running into the idea that they considered the Catholic faith to be the “newcomers” and that it was a heretical faith.
As is normal for cults and conquerors, after coming to power, they reach back and pull various elements from the past forward to create historical validity to justify their claims. The Mormon world does this by baptizing the dead into their “faith.”And the Catholics have done the same by creating a “line of popes” from the apostle Peter forward.
Many evangelical people automatically accept this in one form or another without looking closely at Acts 15, where John was clearly the leader, not Peter. And if you took your shovel and dug just a bit deeper, did you know there was an unbroken line of Christian, Jewish bishops that started with John that oversaw the Lord’s assembly and continued until Constantine crushed it? Why was it crushed? It was crushed to make room for Constantine's new faith.
A person could ask, why then is there not more recorded about this? Well, the answer is fairly simple: it’s hard to record things when you're running for your life. Persecuted people write very little; it is far more important to spend your time doing things like finding food and shelter.
In fact, from that time forward, true believers wrote very little. To give you an idea about that time in history, there were research studies done. A conservative estimate of the records that exist shows that the Catholic Popes and Armies killed around 50 million of us. But the experts agree that the number could easily be double.
This means our history is just as, if not more, fractured than, the Jewish faith in Europe. This is why so few records remain; they have been turned to ash around the bones of our forefathers.
The Bride of the Messiah
Since the forced separation between Jew and Gentile, we believers have been quick to cling onto any spiritual headship within reaching distance. In the modern age, we have looked at human qualifications of degrees, positions, and spiritual gifting as signs that we should follow this or that group or person.
Rarely do we stop and evaluate according to spiritual fruit. Do they love the things Jesus loves, or do they love the things the world loves? We are often so confused that when someone like Rick Joyner gaslights his congregation into believing that a group of honest, godfearing people are nothing more than flies and wolves for following scripture and exposing darkness, we blindly accept.
The Bride of the Messiah is currently doubleminded and being tossed about by every opinion and “prophetic word.” But the Lord is using this; he knows that at some point, his people will get seasick and toss their cookies over the side. And in that moment, a decision will need to be made: "Who will you follow?”
I feel your knowledge when I read your writing. And I felt your frustration with the failures of modern church revelations. And I've watched how your writing has shifted...I see the leader in you. 😁
Do you feel you're being led to start a church? Because I can totally see that for you... just my thoughts as I read this.