It’s no secret I like good Christian music. As of late, I have been pondering issues, simple issues in nature, and how it often relates to the Spiritual World. As I do this I am often reminded of an old song by the late Rich Mullins, “Such a Thing as Glory.”
As I watch the presence of God slowly growing in our fellowship I ponder some of the things related in both scripture and Christian history. Namely, the Glory of God that sometimes manifests in places. As I do this, the Holy Spirit has sometimes asked questions designed to change my thinking and look at things from a new point of view.
Question #1 “What is the Glory of a Woman?” My answer, “Her hair.”
Question #2 “What is the Glory of a tree?” My answer, “The leaves.”
At this point, the Lord tossed me a scripture, “So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.” 1 Cor 3:7. “SO… who makes hair and leaves grow?” My answer, “You do.”
At this point, I realized that Glory is a result of the proper planting and watering of His presence. In effect, Glory is a by-product of the Presence.
Have you ever considered a bush in winter that has no leaves? Not much to look at, just a collection of bare sticks and possibly thorns. But once spring comes, the glory grows and becomes softer, more pleasing to the eye. Such beauty is enticing and welcomed in any garden.
Glory in itself invades the environment, like the thick aroma of flowers, pulling people and birds in. It soaks deeply within every person, affecting us on levels we can only guess at.
This is the purpose of Glory, it draws the thirsty and like the people who were clamoring to get to John the Baptist. People are willing to do violence to get their portion of the Kingdom at any cost. Good thing it’s free.