Originally written in 2018, reposted for context to the previous post, Montana Road.
One of the things about the prophetic is seeing things you would rather not know or say. I once heard a story about a prophetic vision John Paul Jackson had that shook him to the core about America. He released it to the general public, but a little while later another prophet by the name of Terry Bennet came along and rebuked him.
Terry asked him, “Why did you hold back, I stood there in the same vision and saw what you saw, but you chose not to say everything you saw?” According to the story I heard, John explained he did so out of fear of what he saw, and then repented for withholding the full vision.
Some things are hard, so it’s no wonder the Lord asked the prophet Jeremiah, “What do you see, Jeremiah?” after showing him a few things.
The best of us can be tempted to freeze up or alter things out of fear. In Jeremiah’s case however, the Lord’s response to his answer brought forth a statement that should make many of us slow down and reflect, “Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am watching over My word to perform it.” Jeremiah 1:12 NASB. The implication of this is very simple, God is watching very closely what his prophets are saying.
Do we embellish, do we stretch, or shorten it? Not really a good idea either way to do that.
As strange as it may be to our “modern minds,” God still speaks not only to His people but also through events both in the weather and the political.
Near the end of the 20th century, a series of powerful weather events took place when President Clinton brought PLO leader Yasser Arafat to America. People died, stuff was destroyed and it all started on the day he arrived, and ended on the day Arafat left. It was a strong message that many of us “got.”
When my wife and I sold our place in Washington State and started driving east to live in South Carolina. We stopped for the night in Albuquerque New Mexico. That morning I woke up and realized everything had changed. The sky literally felt hard, like iron. There was something of the anger of the Lord that had changed the very spiritual atmosphere over the land. After coffee, we turned on the TV at the KOA campground to quickly discover our former state had legalized gay marriage and then, I knew why the sky was suddenly hard.
There’s something about the pleasure and displeasure of the Lord that changes the very environment around us. He can “crack the sky” and rain favor or close it and the earth mourns. I think we generally understand very little of how intertwined all life is with Him. Perhaps someday that will change, but it is not this day.
Nowadays we have something far darker sitting at our gates, dripping with glee at the possibility of taking its seat of influence in America and as a result, I do believe we are now starting to feel the hoof beats of strange weather in the distance once more. America's stolen election is the signaling of a storm that has the potential to release hundreds of people far darker than someone like Yasser Arafat.
For several years in the 1980’s on the day of atonement I would have a dream. Always, in the background of the dream was a storm. Sometimes it was off to the side or even sometimes it was the main focus of the dream, but regardless it was always the same storm. So for several decades afterward, I may have not fully understood it all, but I knew there was a storm coming.
Is Trump done, is the fight over? No, but like all battles, twists, and turns they arrive in unexpected fashion as the armies are forced to change tactics. Recently for me, it was Trump's message at the wall in Texas when he spoke about the coming waves of illegal aliens that are starting to gather down south to push across into our nation that got my attention. Suddenly as he spoke, it brought to mind a dream that I feel should be released now.
A few years ago when I was on staff at MorningStar, I had a dream about America. I then gave it to what they called the war room (that was not a good idea) and then thought very little about it since that time.
May 22, 2013
This dream took place in the large open prairies of the central part of America. Large dark storm clouds were rolling up from the south, pushing a light wind before it. Moving across the land, ahead of the storm came wagons. They were much like what the pioneers used in the 1850’s, only way bigger. A team of oxen, not horses pulled each wagon, and each one easily could carry as much as 20 people as the whole, very long assembly moved in a single file.
In the lead position, the wagons were all being driven by older, gray-haired Muslim men. As I looked closer I noticed a few things, Their robes were brown, dirty, and the few that had turbans were so dirt-covered you almost could not tell they were white.
The second group of wagons had much younger Muslim men who were all walking next to the wagons. Like the first group, some had turbans, some did not. But their wagons were full, and even though I did not see what they were full of. I could tell by how hard the oxen struggled as the men all walked in lines on both sides of the wagons to protect the contents.
The third division had no oxen from what I could see. But had rows of young Muslim women, side by side marching in front of the wagons, pulling them. As I looked closely at the women, all I could think was, “There goes the chattel.” Their faces were all pointing forwards with a look of resolute determination like it was their destiny to do this.
After that was the last group, who had no wagons. Very young women, dressed in dirty ripped rags with sad faces. They did not march in any kind of order, they just seemed to drag themselves along in the dust the caravan made. They were the smallest group and the most pathetic of all, I then realized I was looking at the slaves and prostitutes being compelled to travel along.
So what is this, what is being said here? If this were connected to Trump's comments at the wall as well as known historical patterns over the last one thousand years. Then I would assume we are looking at forced immigration into the very heartland of America.
These four wagon trains could be easily interpreted as four waves of forced immigration at different times. But I also lean towards these representing four levels of impact on our culture, ending with servitude on America's youth. The first is the “elders,” the bringers of the law of Islam, and to some degree, we have already seen this in many areas of the United States under previous presidential administrations. The second group protected the “goods,” the resources to enforce the will of the elders. The third is the enforcers of culture, the human chattel who consider it their destiny.
Regardless of the interpretation, I know the impact will not be good at all, as was obvious in the dream.
If I was to contrast this against the older dreams of the coming storm. I would say this storm will have far-reaching effects across the land, driving darker spirits deeper to enforce unholy agendas in every corner of North America.
These people in the dream had no modern clothes because they were coming to enforce the “old ways.” They were not coming to join or be a part of the things of America, but to enforce the ways of Islam.
I am not the only person of the last 30 to 40 years (and beyond) who has seen this, but I would like to say something that I feel few others have said. What has been seen, these “pictures” represent the will of Man, not the Lord. These things are being given to highlight what the will of Man wishes to happen. God however has no desire to see the streets of America run red, more does he wish for Americans to go into servitude. But a lot of evil has been sown secretly into our tapestry, and the Lord will use whatever he desires to expose the darkness. Because by bringing the dark into the light correction can happen, leave it... well, then it just festers and gets worse.
There will however be pockets of people, good people who will not give in and submit. And in these places, these islands of Hope, the glory of the Lord will shine but this same brightness will draw attacks. Many of our present spiritual leaders are failing the Ephesians 5 test, V. 1-14. Right now when I look at the fact that so many Christian leaders are falling to sexual sin, a couple of things come to mind.
One, this opens the door for a more righteous leadership to come forth at a time when it will be needed the most. The second is that people are learning to walk away and even expose the leaders, “Therefore do not become partners with them v-7.”
These islands of Hope will require the right leaders, without compromise or double-mindedness as the people will need that security. Most I feel will not walk in a singular gift as they learn to dance with care along the path the Lord has for them. In fact, I suspect many will not even be pastors, at least not the normal kind people would recognize.
These places, these islands of Hope will always need prophetic watchmen at the gates, for living on a battlefield will always have unexpected turns and twists. And it is through these doors the Body of Christ will experience many things including refinement away from the “church system” that Babylon has influenced.
But what is the end result?
I am one of the few who feels the true end times are marching closer and that we still have a bumpy road ahead of us. When I was hinting that I was not the only person to have seen this coming storm in the modern age. I was referring to not only modern voices but voices far into our past. How far beyond? How about the birth of our nation.
There are two major prophetic visions interconnected to America’s fabric that date back to the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. Both George Washington’s vision and Major General George B. McClellan's (1862) had very similar visions to each other. In Washington, he saw the end of the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and a third Great War on US soil that stands at our gate.
McClellan’s vision not only showed him tactical information that helped him win the battle of Antietam. But it also provided more information on the coming third war that Washington saw. The Angel showed McClellan that, that century would end, another would pass and at the start of the next century (present-day), this war would start.
In the final message of McClellan’s vision he was told something profound about America, “...the oppressors of the whole earth, hating and envying her exaltation, shall join themselves together and raise up their hands against her. But if she shall be found worthy of her high calling they shall surely be discomfited, and then will be ended her third and last great struggle for existence. Thenceforth shall the Republic go on, increasing in power and goodness, until the borders shall end only in the remotest corners of the earth, and the whole earth shall beneath her shadowing wing become a Universal Republic. Let her in her prosperity, however, remember the Lord her God, her trust be always in him, and she shall never be confounded.” So there is a promise attached to this last great war.
When people are given visions of bad things, it's so we can pray against them. If you fall victim to fear, you miss the point of how big God is. Just my thoughts...