Any person with a semi-normal childhood is aware of the story of Humpty Dumpty.
“Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.” ~ Lewis Carroll 1882
In our rush to pay attention to anything and everything political, very few in the Body of Christ have been watching the signs of disaster within the Body. However, what I am about to say is not good because it does reflect a Humpty Dumpty attitude. There is however, I believe something good that will come out of this.
The two main reasons for what is happening are:
1. The environment we all live in now. Everything thing is at high speed, changing, and altering faster than more can comprehend. As a result, our minds go into “safety mode” and kick out anything not deemed vital to our daily life.
2. The dark forces of this world are working overtime to keep believers in the dark. Otherwise, if we paid close attention we would be growing increasingly concerned at what we are now seeing.
Presently if you pay attention you will notice just how much hidden filth is in the world. Seriously dark revelations are now surfacing, so vile it makes some of the hardest people flinch at the sound of such evil. I am not going to bother to list all that is happening, because if you reading this you are most likely aware of at least some of it. I do wish that what we see now is out now was all there is, and that we would be done with it, but that’s not going to happen.
There is greater darkness coming, but this greater darkness will force many who sit on the fence to make a choice. This choice will result in the light getting brighter. What I mean by this is the people of God who chose to live according to the words of Jesus will be standing out more and more. This will drive some people away, but others will draw closer.
There is a truth few in the Body are paying attention to. “The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual.” 1 Cor 15:16 This simple little statement from the Apostle Paul is packed with a spiritual law. That is, things happen in the Physical world first and then the Spiritual.
Everything that you are seeing being brought out into the light today, means that there will be a Spiritual equivalent taking place in the Body at some point in the future. This means all the people, systems, and movements within the Body that have been pretending, will be getting exposed just like we are seeing in the news with the Bidens, Bushs, Epsteins, the Royal Family, and many many more.
What I am speaking about are the “wolves in sheep's clothing” Matt 7:15. Now I am not saying that all the people and things I am including in this article fit into this category, but what I am saying is that the Body needs to wake up. Because for every real wolf in the body, it would be fair to assume there are a hundred deceived followers who are floating along, clueless on spiritual sleeping pills.
Evangelical / Charismatic back history
Some time back, over a five-year period of time, several of the top elders of the Evangelical / Charismatic world died. Names like Jackson, Jones, Cain, Clement & Graham all passed from the scene, and in doing so a quality of eldership slipped away. Directly (and quickly) on the heels of this came the Todd Bentley fiasco, a true mess that should never have happened. This Bi-sexual, manipulative leader was finally exposed, leaving a trail of victims across the world.
During the months that followed the first revelation, many other leaders in the Baptist, Methodist, and other movements were exposed from Michigan to Florida. This spiritual wave started in the south, dislodging darkness in remote places. Victims started getting brave, and various leaders in spiritual positions became uneasy.
A tribunal of spiritual leaders was called to deal with Todd, And people were asked to deliver written and spoken testimonies if they knew anything. I, like many others, was personally asked, and as a result, I wrote out my understanding of what I knew.
From this came an interesting bit of information from the sources I was connected to… The Tribunal was aware of a lot of names of other people, and leaders connected to this that should also be disciplined and removed, but many were well protected!
Now for the purpose of not ending up in a lawsuit, I won’t be giving names as some of them have a reputation for tossing lawsuits around. But if you want to know, I will say just look over the history of who all Todd has ministered with and do your own research.
Although much of this has died down, or should I say was ignored under the wave of other news like covid 19 around the world, this spiritual wave of exposure has continued. Sometimes growing in strength, other times looking calm.
Earlier this year a spiritual revival broke out in Kentucky called the Ashbury Revival. This revival has been claimed to be student-led, however, this is bad wordage. The reality is, that it was started and continued by the Holy Spirit, it was in effect completely sovereign. Many big names attempted to gain access to speak before the crowds, all were told NO. Todd Bentley even announced on Facebook that he was invited to speak. When Ashbury was asked about it the response back was, “Who is Todd Bentley?”
Many other names went anyway to Ashbury to find that they had to wait in line just like anyone else. When they got in, they never made it to the stage, so they took selfies in the back like Ché Ahn did to prove to their followers that they were at the revival and then quickly left. In effect, human notoriety was shunned, and the only person invited was Jesus. Jesus planned this moment in time, but man did not.
Where are the Elders?
Later on, by chance, I had an email conversation with a more trusted, well-known senior prophetic man in the south. In the conversation, he said the following, “I do not agree with those that went to visit with the pope and I certainly do not believe that we are too consolidated with the political agenda of the Catholic Church.” Honestly, at that point, I was not sure who he was referring to until a prophetic friend was given a dream. This dream sent him down a research path and he sent me the results.
In September, the Pope held a World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal. He invited many of the top Evangelical leaders to attend. Here is a small sampling of the names who visited the Pope and joined in the Catholic World Youth Day. Although not everyone invited attended, many at least showed their support and participated, like Bill Johnson, Mike Bickle, Lou Engle, Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, James Robison, John Arnott, and many more.
2 Corinthians 6:14
“Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” The Protestant faith historically came about as a sovereign rejection of Catholic abuse, manipulation, and distortion of Scripture, resulting in preaching another gospel {Galatians 1:9}. As a result, many lives were lost in the quest to have our own scriptures. Also, in this quest, our forefathers soon realized two very important facts. The Catholic way was demonic and not of God, and when the Catholics could not get you to compromise your faith, they would kill you.
Now if this statement sounds harsh, that means you are unaware of our broken and shattered past. Researchers have put a VERY conservative estimate on the protestant death toll in Europe, and the Western world at about 50 million dead. However, they admit two things concerning the research. 1. The numbers could be as high as 150 million. 2. They were unable to collect numbers for South America and other continents. Even at 50 million, this puts the Popes right in line with notorious names like Hitler and Stalin.
Many of the well-known protestant missionaries of the past that I have read knew full well the danger of allowing Catholic missionaries into the area. A good example would be the Whitman massacre of the 19th century that unleashed the Indian War.
So why are the modern leaders fellowshipping with darkness? Good question. The answer, I feel, lies in the fact that they are now seeking to bring revival along by their own human means and, in so doing, acquire a “stamp of approval” on their ministries before the people. In effect, this would be a human revival dressed up, scheduled, preplanned, pre-packaged, and bankrolled by the Vatican. Also, I would once again refer you to do your own research on who Mr. Bentley has ministered with. { Ecclesiastes 1:15 }
Here is a simple fact: every true revival was not authored by man but by God.
So what else has been crumbling?
Much of the things that have been built up for the Body in the last few decades are now showing stress fractures. This expression, “Yet once more,” denotes the removing of those things which can be shaken, as of created things, so that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.” Hebrews 12:27
There is a new and better Kingdom coming, but to embrace it you need to let go of everything else. Is it truly possible to hold two hands in one your hand? You are either going to hold Jesus's hand or someone else. And Jesus is a jealous god, he will not tolerate co-leadership with any other god.
Sometime back I saw an interview with the leader of the Christian band, “Jars of Clay.” In this interview, he stated that he knew that once he let the world know his position concerning LGBQ the band would lose it all. He also made it very clear that many other well-known Christian singers are gay and feel the same way.
This month, Kaitlyn McCracken of the Ashbury Collegian laid out some strong facts in her article. As a result, I soon learned that the bands ReliantK and Switchfoot could be added to Jars of Clay as “Christian homosexual bands.”
Good news?
The good news is as I have already hinted, a better kingdom is coming. Yes, some of these people are deliberately being the wolves.
But not everyone, as Kaitlyn McCracken said in her article, “Instead, it seems to be calling out the state of the church in 2023 – a political dumpster fire where God is more of a reflection of ourselves than we are of him.”
Many people are just rebelling against the broken church system, and in the rebellion, they are falling into the devil's traps. But these are the future wounded warriors who will learn from the mistakes of their past, and Jesus will be ready to use them once purified.
Ashbury was a pre-shadow of things to come. And once the youth has been consecrated, the pretenders are going to be looking for shadows and rocks to hide under for Jesus will suffer no from Humpty Dumpty.
Holiness unto the Lord.
Amen and Amen!! Great writing! Open the eyes of the young generation that have been indoctrinated. So many in college 🙏. Some have believed the lie . I pray Psalm 91 over each one, in Jesus Name! The Truth will set free the Lost.
Thank you for the kind comment. Don’t often get comments, let alone kind ones when you lift the carpet to show what’s the underneath.