This page is in chronological order. More will be posted as things develop. Please send me an email to any videos I am missing or any that get pulled.
The following is a collection of various materials related to Morningstar Ministries. The most recent is on the top progressing to the older at the bottom. I will be adding to this from time to time as new or updated information comes forth. RF
FYI, special note; as you cruise over these videos and various bits of information you will no doubt notice that I have no videos of Rick speaking. This is personal. I was a member of the Fellowship of Ministries for 15 years with about 7 on staff. I can no longer stand to listen to his voice. Therefore if you wish to hear his side of the story, I am sure you can find it on the internet with a simple search.
Prophetic insight into what is currently unfolding?
Due to Substack's email limitations, I will be addressing what I believe is currently unfolding within this ministry in a future post and where I believe the Lord is looking to take the ministry in the future after he cleans it up.
There is still Hope…
Timeline - New to Old
Special note; just because you may or may not like the testimonies below does not make them invalid. An investigation requires examination of all the evidence.”
Sept 29 Justin Perry, “Chris Reed is lying to you.”
September 24, the following document of 100 names was issued. Click here to download.
If you were once connected to Morningstar in any fashion and you would like to add your name then click here. It is also now reported that they will be adding videos in the future.
Also, this same person, Chad Hawley is also collecting and compiling a sequence of Morningstar Events as I have. Click here to read them.
Sept 20
Sept 18
The Attorneys involved in the Morningstar lawsuit issued a press briefing. Sept 17
September 14, Another person comes forward to tell her story, Erica.
Date unsure, Chris Reed.
Sept 11, Justin Perry responds back. Go to the 20:10 mark.
Sept 9, Chris Reed’s victim comes forward to talk with Blaise and Christia on the Wake Up and Win Podcast.
Sept 4, This testimony also came out.
As the first of three lawsuits involving Chase Portello and Erickson Lee developed, Rick started doing damage control and Chris Reed responded back.
August 31, Justin Perry's first response.
March 7
A bit of Wisdom from Stephen Powell. Are the words prophetic of what is happening now?
Chris Reed resigns and makes a statement. Note; the original got pulled, so I found this on another site
Stephen Powell speaks up in a podcast. Looking back at his message, is it a foreshadowing of what is happenng now?
Click here to listen to the Podcast
Chris Reed's involvement at IHOP.
Mishel McCumber - Lucifarian Gosple?
Although this predates much of the information, I am placing Mishel’s story here. I heard the original testimony. But Mishel lost all her videos in the YouTube purge that happened years ago. Click on the first image below to watch this video, it is an interview that happened later on another channel. She did write a book about all this, which is the link below this video
Click on the image above to listen or the book below to order.
Many people do not realize Todd Bentley plays a role in this. He ran away from Canada because of sexual issues and landed at Morningstar. Thank you Ron Cantor for keeping this video up.
Stephen Powell’s First Letter, and then His Second Letter Unfortunately there were also powerful letters of rebuke to Rick Joyner from Ron Cantor and Jeremiah Johnson, But Dr. Brown convinced them to remove the letters.
Here is the video from Stephen Powell that started the firestorm. Listen carefully to hear how Rick responded to his efforts. Click on the image below to watch.
The original of this message was posted on YouTube, but it suddenly disappeared as soon as Todd Bentley was exposed. It has later resurfaced in many places including Rick Wiles's own site. If it is removed again please let me know and I will try to find the new link. Click on the image below to listen.
Knights of Malta interview
Here is an archived prophetic word from 1986 concerning the Towers ( when Jim Bakker owned them) that have never been rebuilt. Click on the image to read more from Legasee Publishing. This prophetic word from David Wilkerson is located three-quarters of the way down the page. As you read this remember Psalm 127:1
This is also an answer to why the towers were never rebuilt. Once Rick took over he inherited the same issues as Jim Bakker. Most people do not realize, Morningstar has always walked more in the flesh than the spirit.
Up next.
“The Calling, Part Two” will be posted on Oct, 2
“Before You Now” will be posted on Oct, 9
As hard as a lot of this was to hear and learn, I am sooo thankful to Robert and others to put it all out there so that people can learn the pitfalls and truths of the dark sides in ministry. This was a hard place for many people to go to get the word out there with this stuff!
I Thank The Lord for the truths coming out and warning others of things to beware of….
Our God is Awesome !