Icabod, The Second Edition.
This page is in chronological order. More will be posted as things develop. Please send me an email to any videos I am missing or any that get pulled.
The following is a continued collection of various materials related to Morningstar Ministries. The most recent is on the top progressing to the older at the bottom. I will be adding to this from time to time as new or updated information comes forth. RF
FYI, special note; as you cruise over these videos and various bits of information you will no doubt notice that I have no videos of Rick speaking. This is personal. I was a member of the Fellowship of Ministries for 15 years with about 7 on staff. I can no longer stand to listen to his voice. Therefore if you wish to hear his side of the story, I am sure you can find it on the internet with a simple search.
Prophetic insight into what is currently unfolding?
If you are looking for that kind of information I suggest you click here. If you are looking for the first edition then please click here to see the last post.
Timeline - New to Old
Special note; just because you may or may not like the testimonies below does not make them invalid. An investigation requires examination of all the evidence.”
Oct 16, It Sounds like Rick is feeling the pressure. If this is true, then it is similar to when the Todd Bentley fiasco unfolded and he called many of his staff for a one on one meetings to find the leak in his ministry…. He never found them.
Oct 14, He is speaking of A.T. Snoots II - AKA “Goebbels”
Oct 13, click on the image to listen
Oct 10. John Bastian response
Oct 7. Special video message. Click here to watch
Oct 3
Sept 30, Video and letter from one of the authors of the 100 names project. Click here
Sept 29, Chris Reed’s response (a few short hours later) to Justin Perry
Sept 29, this is the last post from the first edition. Justin Perry, “Chris Reed is Lying to You.”
Sept 23, Post on FB
Sept 15, Although not directly speaking about Morningstar. This TWO HOUR message is speaking directly to all ministries like IHOP, Bethel, and more. It connects directly to the SPIRIT OF ELI. Be ready to be offended.
“There was a school of prophets that began to be raised up during the days of Samuel. No successor to Samuel or the other prophets ever came forth from those schools, only false prophets. Because it demands the hand of God on a vessel, not a school to bring forth the prophetic ministry.” ~ Terry Bennett
Up next.
“The Calling, Part Two” will be posted on Oct, 18