Understanding the end-times playbook of the enemy requires the understanding that the devil likes to use the same tactics and ideas that he did in the past. This is why he works so hard to hide the past. Not only on a world and national level but also within family histories. God allows this for our education. Proverbs 25:2 “It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search it out”
The Past
In the early days of the human race, the first one-world government existed for a short time under a leader by the name of Nimrod. According to extra-biblical sources, this tyrant started out possibly serving God, then after the devil added his flattering words, the people gave Nimrod all the glory, his heart turned and he accepted it.
Taking a spiritual nose dive, Nimrod delved deep into profound levels of darkness, he and one of his sons Mardon, who most likely became the god Marduk, brought forth the ‘dark arts’ delivering that knowledge to what eventually became the priests and sorceress of Babylon. Many researchers believe that after the death of Nimrod, his wife Semiramis started promoting her dead husband as a god. Eventually assimilating the local beliefs, Nimrod became Baal, and his wife Semiramis became Ishtar. And so arose the pre-shadows of the Anti Christ/Messiah spirit on the Earth.
Centuries passed, wars were fought, and eventually, Babylon declined in power, and with it, the influence of the Babylonian priests was reduced. In 539 BC, Cyrus the Great conquered Babylon, and the priesthood of Babylon fled the city, traveling west. At some point after 539, they arrived in Pergamum.
“And to the messenger of the assembly in Pergamos write at once: These things says He who has the sharp, two-edged sword. I know with absolute clearness where you settled down and have your dwelling place: where the throne of Satan is located. Yet you are holding fast my Name and did not deny your faith in me even in the days of Antipas, my witness, my faithful one, who was murdered among you, where Satan settled down and has his dwelling place.” (Rev 2:12-13 WET).
The Babylonian priests erected the great Acropolis temples of Pergamum in honor of the Greek Pantheon while they also continued to serve the Babylonian god of mystery under the name of Saturnus. The Babylonian mysteries of Nimrod’s ‘dark arts’ were believed to be preserved in the temple of Zeus at Pergamum during these days. Their power in Pergamum was so effective that Jesus declared that Pergamum was Satan’s very home.
King Attalus III of Pergamon transferred his kingdom into the hands of Rome upon his death in 133 BC. That same year, the Babylonian priests transferred their dark teachings to Rome. With them, they brought many gods and goddesses, including Mithra, Tammuz, Cybele, and Dagon who wore the fish miter on his head. This is the same miter that is so often seen on today's popes. These events happened during the time when Tiberius Gracchus was trying to bring about land reforms in the Empire. To transfer the land back into the hands of the common citizens to stabilize the Empire. This act, if followed, would have given the people not only their land back but would have taken away a measure of power from the elites of the Empire.
Tiberius Gracchus was assassinated shortly thereafter, and a Roman civil war soon broke out. The penetration of the religion of Babylon into Rome became so invasive that Rome was, for a time, called "The New Babylon."
For some 630 years after 539 BC, the Babylonian priests lived and expanded their influence in the Empire by assimilating the local Greek/Roman godhead system into their own. In this way, and for centuries afterward, New Babylon’s chief method of conquering was through the assimilation of other religions.
Side Note
On a modern historical side note, on September 9th, 1878, archeologists unearthed Satan's throne in Pergamum and moved it to Berlin, Germany. Albert Speer, the great Nazi architect, studied and used this throne to build a giant replica of it for Adolph Hitler. This replica, called the Zeppelintribüne, became Hitler’s pulpit from which he released the greatest horrors of World War Two.
After the war, the Soviet Leader Kruschev took the original alter to Leningrad in 1948. But the original throne was soon returned to Berlin. Apparently, all the paranormal activity around Satan's throne spooked Kruschev.
Nowadays, the throne sits in a museum named the “Pergamum Museum.” So yes, despite the flawed teaching of some church denominations, Satan still carries a lot of power.
In the literal translation of the Bible, as in John 17:16, Jesus’s description of the devil is “the pernicious one.” The definition of pernicious is a great description of the devil's tactics. Pernicious is defined as: “Having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way.” That means Satan’s influence is rarely sudden but is often well planned out. Paul also said, “So that no advantage would be taken of us by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his schemes.” (2 Corinthians 2:11 NASB).
Out of this one reality, two things become clear to me. One is that the Lord of Heaven and Earth wants us to be fully aware of how the devil works. Second is that by the fruit of this present church age... we are highly unaware of how the devil works.
But let's Return to the Historical Timeline.
From the base in Pergamum, the Babylonian/ Roman priests expanded their influence deep into Rome itself, most likely becoming the main force behind the Christian persecutions. Rome, for centuries, had adapted the local religions by assimilation, creating many blurred lines between each other’s gods. And in time, all of them started looking very similar. Zeus and Jupiter, for example, after some time started looking a lot like each other, just with different names.
How much Rome’s policy of cultural and religious assimilation was influenced by the Babylonian priests is unclear, but it is obvious it did happen. In time, many nasty Caesars rose up in an attempt to destroy the Christians. One by one, they all, in time, fell away as the Empire made political alliances, trying to hold their shaky empire together. Centuries of war, betrayal, and deception were taking their toll, making it increasingly harder and harder for the Roman Senate to preserve the Empire.
During these early centuries, the Body of Christ had spread out over many thousands of miles. Deep into Africa, India, and all the way into the British Isles. Many of these communities of faith held close to what they knew from the Apostles’ teachings. And by the evidence of their rapid spread, The New Babylon, Rome realized the issue of Christian containment was now far beyond what they could control.
Rome had tried, many times, to crush the leadership of the Body by killing off the senior “bishops,” only to find that another one would simply stand up and take the place of the first.
Even though Jerusalem had suffered many attacks, famines, and burnings, historians now know that there was an unbroken line of Apostolic bishops in Jerusalem, with the Apostle John as the first Bishop, as mentioned in the Book of Acts. With a measure of influence over the whole body, this line of leaders maintained the historical Apostolic gospel of the Kingdom.
Much of that took a major detour in the year 312 AD. Emperor Constantine of Rome had a “conversion to Christ.” This quickly led to the legalization of Christianity throughout the empire. Although many welcomed the ending to the persecution, there were still many who realized this could allow profound problems to enter into the Body.
The rules of life had changed for Christians. Before this, you were either completely in, forsaking everything to follow Christ, or you were not. After the legalization, a person did not need to be fully in. Lukewarmness, complacency, and toleration that were always present now had better soil to grow in.
Was Constantine‘s conversion to Christ real? We may never know this side of Eternity, but it is obvious to me that several historians feel his conversion was politically motivated in an effort to save Rome by assimilating the stronger religion.
The line of fifteen Jewish Bishops was, in my opinion, crushed and suppressed as the rising newcomers, the Catholics as early Christians called them. The order replaced the Bishops with the desert fathers, declaring and creating in reverse a line of “popes” to establish their legitimacy in history. Thus proving the old adage, “History is written by the victors.”
Darkness loves to rebuild on its former glory. Almost every major religion has been touched by the history and occult ways of Nimrod. So much so that just as the Jews greatly desire to see a return to Jerusalem for the last two thousand years. The Occult has had the same desire for Babylon.
Assimilation and blurring the lines is what the devil works best at. Through this tactic, many truths about what and who we are have now been hidden behind cultural, denominational, and political strongholds.
The quest to reclaim and behold the restoration of the community life Jesus died to give us is possibly one of the biggest weapons we have for the future. It is the seedbed that so many things need to grow up in, but so many ignore it in pursuit of lesser things.
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”
Update; Message to the people working on the Morningstar mess.
Listening to recent reports, I remembered a historical video I watched concerning when Caeser Constantine decided to become a Christian and make it a legal religion in the empire. The Historian noted that prior to this moment, you were either all in, committed to Jesus, and ready to die. But after this point, lukewarmness and compromise settled in as many left the Apostolic Faith to join the political faith of the Empire.
Hmm, so few remained brave at that time, this has made me wonder about today.
So I wanted to call to your attention two older posts I did over a year ago.
Nowadays, I watch as the exposure of compromised leaders continues. Yes, I believe there are two camps of people doing the exposure. One has a calling or duty from God to get the job done. Others are looking to grow the platform and gain clicks because they are addicted to popularity.
In many cases, you can tell the difference. One group is getting attacked for following the biblical commandment to expose evil. These people have lost on a personal level in many ways. Some have relocated to other states, lost connections, been slandered, swatted, and even lost business opportunities. These are the people who have learned that sheep do not hug wolves.
“Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in this same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” Matthew 5:11-12
Last note, be safe. Several things have happened that make me suspect that Rick & A.T. Snoots have developed a plan to push back against people who would speak or stand up. Do what you are called to do, but don’t be stupid. “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep amid wolves, so be as wary as serpents and as innocent as doves.” Matthew 10:16
I love this historical accounting of evil. And that line " we may never know this side of eternity" is epic! Well done!
Excellent writing Robert! Your research has filled in gaps in my understanding that have lurked unanswered for years. Much appreciated.