Well, first our small group
Our Fellowship which is growing, tends to bend to the Charismatic side of things, but not always. Often everything gets centered around the presence of God, food at the table with laughing, bits of ministry, and extended times in worship. As a result, we are not a “normal” fellowship.
Much of who we are nowadays is getting centered around Isaiah 66:1 “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be?”
Our desire is to build a habitation for the Presence of God, a place that pleases Him. As a result every meeting so far has been a time of resting in His presence. People are coming alive, even changed.
Are we Messianic?
No, but there are some cool aspects to it. What we are, is just a small bunch of believers wandering along the path the Holy Spirit has for us, looking for fellow like-minded believers.
Our Publishing company, Breadstone Publishing.
It’s new and currently, we have two books published. A Christian teaching book called, “My Father’s House.” At the heart of it is a desire and call to walk away from Babylon. It just might surprise people what Babylon really is. {warning, this book tends to offend some people}
And the second book is a Christian Science fiction called “Fading Starlight.” It is part of a planned series of over 20 books that start off in Moab Utah. Links to the books are at the bottom.
For Myself
I was born in the Southwest, and raised in the Pacific Northwest. With an appreciation for History, American Archeology, Star Trek, and even a little Dr. Who. All the while being connected to various Christian Spiritual movements and good food. My Wife Kathy and I have been married since the first Bush was president and the Hubble Space Telescope was new.
Personal views?
I don't think God is done with Israel, but I also don't think he is happy with the church system as we currently know it. Meeting in homes is far more personal, more things can happen that bring real spiritual value to people.
Links to products.