Listen to the Wind, It Talks.
In my mind, we are living in the days of Hebrew 12:27.
"The words “once more” indicate the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain.”
It started in many corners, and instead of a sudden earthquake, it’s been a slow rumble, building in intensity, breaking and crumbling everything not authored by the King of Creation, Jesus Christ. So much that was once accepted in politics, history, science, and even religion is now quaking. Everything that is man-made or authored by the demonic is getting exposed. If it wasn’t for the reality that the Lord of Life may soon walk this earth again, I would say we need to start rewriting the history and science books.
Technology is racing forward at crazy levels as constant discoveries are being made in space. Because of this everything science has accepted from the Big Bang to how a star or planet is created is on the chopping block.
Politics, if it were a person, I would say it currently living out the modern equivalent of the kid's story, “The Emperor's New Clothes.”
In the religious corner, it's about to go the same way as the political. Corporate church systems are shaking, and abuse victims are talking. These will give way to exposing darker alliances some leaders have made with world powers. As revelations of CIA involvement (Click here for; CIA’s use of journalists and Clergy report) and even Vatican connections are slowly coming to the surface. But that's not today's topic.
History uncovered?
Like many millions of Americans today my wife and I have traces of Native American blood. I’ve got a bit of Cherokee from my dad's side and my wife has a little Mescalero Apache. Not a lot mind you, but just enough that if you know what you are looking for you can find traces of it.
Personally, I have never subscribed to the land bridge theory that science pushes. There is just too much evidence that is being ignored to say otherwise. So many researchers who are not paid by corporate & government grants are providing great evidence showing other routes by land or sea.
It is now a fact that almost every major world empire on Earth knew about the “new world.” And some even kept records of ship travel to the new land and back. Case in point, when the Spaniards were sailing the west coast looking for gold, more than one Spanish ship captain recorded Chinese vessels harbored in San Francisco Bay loading slaves for Asia.
Many places in South America display Egyptian construction techniques. While both Egypt and Asia show evidence of trade commodities coming from South America. So the idea that everyone was isolated and never had contact was just silly.
But my first serious dive into really learning all this did not take place until after I had a spiritual encounter.
A Vision
Nearly twenty years ago, a group of us were hanging out in a living room. The general plan was to have a soaking time in the Lord. With no real agenda.
One of our guys lay on the floor, face down for around an hour. After a while, he started praying loudly in tongues. What caught me off guard was not that he was doing it. But that it sounded completely unlike any other time I had heard him speak in tongues. It was unique in sound and style as well as mournful.
As soon as he started up I was aware that I was in two places at the same time. I was still in the living room, completely aware of everything around me. And at the same time, I was in the American southwest of New Mexico.
I could see the land around me, I could feel the morning warmth of the air as it passed over my skin. The smell of sagebrush and the sound of the wind as it moved in over the land. I was even aware of the broken, dried-out sticks on the sandy ground as I stepped on them.
Then I realized I could understand what he was saying in tongues. Because it was now like a voice in the winds of New Mexico. I knew this voice was old, very old.
The voice was pleading for God’s people not to fail like they did in their time. This voice continually implored me that they “tried to stand up, but they lost their lampstand.” That voice, it sounded very American Indian-like as it continued pleading over and over in the wind. Stating that they had lost their nation and their people. “Do not let this happen in your generation,” it boldly stated to me.
More than a little surprised, I let everyone in the room know about the experience after it ended. We all looked at each other not knowing what all that was about because we had no “grid” or framework or reference for that. Especially since I “knew” we were the first Christian nation on this land, so in many ways this voice did not make sense.
Fast forward several years later. I had been reading and studying American history and archeology for several years, learning. In this have read more than one story about Asian visitors to North America. Including a story of Japanese sailors who were found off the coast of North America by the British. And then they were shipped to Queen Victoria in London for her to meet them.
So with stories and facts like that, it was becoming obvious to me that North America was a VERY interesting place before the “coming of the white man,” in 1492.
Then one day the Lord started the process of bringing other information my way. He started connecting the puzzle parts together. No, I do not have a complete picture. But I at least have an understanding, or a skeleton of an understanding of what this ancient world looked like.
Enter the “Los Lunas Decalogue stone”
This was a surprise to me when I found out about this big rock in New Mexico. I read everything I could find on it and I started comparing it to known facts in the Southwest around the same time frame.
The Los Lunas Decalogue stone is located on the side of a small hill called Mystery Mountain. Resting on New Mexico State public lands just west of Los Lunas New Mexico. Entry is by foot, via a narrow gate one mile away, which is owned by a garbage company, owner of the adjoining land next door. The gate attendant told me the same story that can be found on the internet. Every researcher who has investigated the stone agrees that it was not made by American Indians.
It once sat up near the top of the mesa. But over the passage of time it rolled downward to about the halfway point on the hill. Early explorers noted its presence but assumed that it was the work of a local tribe and moved on. Local tribes say it existed before them.
This 80 ton boulder face is covered in some form of writing. According to what I have read, they have had some 70 linguistic experts look at the writing. Most all agree that it seems to be mostly Hebrew with possible letters from another language.
Dating the writing is difficult because the inscriptions have been cleaned by well-meaning people, thereby destroying the possibility of dating by bacteria growth. As a result, the only clue experts can use is the writing style. Some of the inscriptions seem to contain Samaritan letters. The current suggestion is that it may have taken place sometime after the Byzantine Emperor, Justinian I in 527-565 A.D.
But not everyone agrees on this. Some feel it is far older. If it does contain Samaritan letters. Then there is one event that may be connected with this stone in New Mexico.
~ Procopius of Caesarea reports that in 531 AD a great persecution broke out against Samaritan Christians at the hands of Emperor Justinian.
“The country people, however, banded together and determined to take arms against the Emperor… For a time they held their own against the imperial troops; but finally, defeated in battle, were cut down, together with their leader. Ten myriads [100,000] of men are said to have perished in this engagement, and the most fertile country on earth, thus became destitute of farmers.” – Procopius of Caesarea
It is said that the remaining Christians fled to the far corners of the empire. The Emperor, however, enslaved as many as he could find. Put them on ships and sent them to places along the western edge of the empire In Europe and North Africa.
The going theory is that a ship or two may have been caught in a storm and pushed across the Atlantic. As crazy as that may sound, I have read far too many other stories that have never made our history books that suggest similar travels.
Here is a modern-day translation of the Los Lunas Decalogue stone.
“I am Jehovah your God who has taken you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of slaves.
There must be no other gods before my face.
You must not make any idol. You must not take the name of Jehovah in vain.
Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy.
Honor your father and your mother so that your days may be long in the land that Jehovah your God has given to you.
You must not murder.
You must not commit adultery.
You must not steal.
You must not give a false witness against your neighbor.
You must not desire the wife of your neighbor nor anything that is his.”
This stone is a copy of the Ten Commandments found in New Mexico. If it is of Samaritan origin, then it would have been some time after the Samaritans led a failed revolt against the Byzantine Empire in the 6th Century. According to history, the leader of the revolt was beheaded and the survivors were sold into slavery and shipped around the world.
The Los Lunas stone is not far from some of the biggest Native American construction projects, namely Chaco Canyon.
Other Traces.
The fact is, is that if you look long enough and under enough proverbial rocks around America you will find “hints” of a civilization before ours in North America. It’s tucked away in libraries, hidden private collections, dried-up remote canyons, and hard-to-find magazine articles.
Below is a picture of Ancient American Magazine. In Michigan's past several slate stones were found that were clearly marked with Christian stories. Unfortunately, people saw an opportunity to make money and started creating thousands of fakes, but the real ones still remain.
I no longer think that the United States was the first Christian Nation in North America. I think we are at least number two. And that the very hate that some of our ancestors felt for the Indians, was demonically motivated. And this hate has crushed and limited our possibilities as an American nation.
Case in point I once had a very interesting conversation with a Christian man from the Lakota nation. As we talked these things over I presented to him a question, “How big would America be if we had at least honored half of our treaties with tribal nations?”
His answer was quick and simple, “Very Big, all of North America would be ours!”
That would mean, no Canada or Mexico. This would happen because the tribal nations to the north and south of us would have seen what was happening, and rushed to join. It's sad what hate can do.
It's been said in more than one corner of the archeological world that as much as 95% of Earth's history is missing. Because of this, and other revelations from around the world. I now look at Native Americans differently. It is no longer a primitive bunch of Stone Age people who were on a very slow roll to civilization.
Now I see them as a civilization that was just as advanced as the other cultures in the “old world” back in the day. But as time progressed they fell into a dark spiritual decline of infanticide, human sacrifice, and the worship of demonic beings. This of course became the “rot” from the inside that crumbled the cultures. In effect, they rolled themselves backward.
Numerous examples have, over the last twenty years come to show that much of Native America has had stories very similar to stories found in the book of Genesis.
There were however examples like the Iroquois Confederacy who were moving in the right direction. If given enough time this Confederacy of nations could have had a very bright future.
Will we lose our Lampstand?