In these days, it seems like every other day some “new” measure of hidden evil is finding its way out into the public eye. Not that it was not always present in history, in fact, all this stuff we see now has been simmering under the carpet for centuries. Only to raise its many heads from time to time.
But these days it seems to be rolling out more and more like some narcissistic parade. I mean over the last several decades since the 1950s, greater levels of darkness have been slipped in here and there. Demanding a place in the spotlight with arguments of ‘tolerance’ while bending any perceived rules of ‘fair play’ and ‘free speech’ in our culture.
Cultural Programming
Over the last seventy-plus years of cultural assimilation and indoctrination, that started with serious shifts in music, and movies in the 1930s to 1950s, to be followed by the explosion of the ‘free love’ movement. Other things, simple, innocent things like ‘Halloween’ get slipped into our culture while the eyes are diverted. So, like a drug, darkness built a foundation of fascination with the ‘death culture, vampires, and distorted “harvest parties” in churches under liberal pastors.
When I came to Christ in the winter of 83/84, it did not take long and the Lord started showing me in spiritual encounters, the darkness of churches around me. I watched, helplessly as witchcraft families sent their youth deliberately into church youth groups around the county to assimilate the Christian kids. Many youths fell, over and over again. Their parents were disarmed and divorced from spiritual reality with “fine-sounding arguments” from church leaders as well as the Pseudo-Christian culture at large. So, the children, who were not taught true biblical teaching, or any basic concepts of Spiritual warfare were taught how to dance with Barney the Purple Dinosaur in youth groups. These youths were effectively handed over to darker thoughts and words by their new friends.
All the while on the larger stage, the demonic power players in lower spiritual realms, empowered their human chest pieces in the free world to ‘create’ the atmosphere that these demons require to move freely out in the open one day.
In effect, the hidden political and religious swamps continued to build as the world was unaware of the truth behind names like Epstein, Gates, and Biden. These players built on older foundations that were laid down by former presidents, generals, and movie moguls.
But the foundation the movie industry made is a work, still building, as they use it as a platform to even prophesy their future intentions on. You see the dark loves its symbolism and even in the Disney movies it is right in front of you if you look. Case in point, have you ever noticed that many of the technologies used in Star Trek come into use ten to fifteen years after they show up on TV or in the movies? It is true, we even have working theories for transporters and warp drives… look it up.
In 2014 the deep state was still believing Hillary Clinton was going to replace Obama so they released the movie Maleficent to prophesy one of their coming “saviors.”
The movie, Maleficent played by Angelina Jolie (another deep-state person) is simply the latest bit of demonic trash for public consumption and assimilation and many Christians have happily consumed this product.
Here is the IMDB plug for the movie, “A vengeful fairy is driven to curse an infant princess, only to discover that the child could be the one person who can restore peace to their troubled land.”
The first rule in understanding the occult language is nothing is what is said. In reality, everything is reversed. Case in point, when the deep state had Bush declare a “war on drugs,” that meant a war to increase the spreading of drugs. The same is true of the war on terror. See how the message is flipped. It is an effective way of deceiving the public while sending a message out to all your key people, giving them marching orders.
In the case of this movie and many others, the world is troubled and must be made right, and only people connected with darkness can fix it.
But what is Mal-eficent? The word is ancient and can be broken down in several ways, ‘Mal’ means evil, eficent can be another way of saying efficient. The dictionary puts the word, Maleficent meaning as, “destroyer of reputations, sometimes by supernatural means.”
..But… there is another part of this. In the occult world, symbolism is very important. The image of Maleficent is very similar to a powerful occult god whose name is Baphomet or sometimes called Mahomet, and in Satanic circles, Baphomet is the King serpent, Satan himself.
So now, after the rise of Baal, Ashtoreth, and Molech influences in the world. The Kingdom of Darkness is using a female version, to present a softer, compassionate image called Maleficent. This is designed completely for parents to introduce their children to. This movie like many before it, is simply the ‘heralds’ of a reality to come, sent to condition the world for a greater demonic invasion.
By repackaging demonic evil, it can become a sellable commodity in toys, movies, T-shirts, and anything else. Why present it as a sellable product? We are taught that if we buy something it is ours and we control it, this is true…in part. But the reality is the demonic world uses this as a pretense to get you to accept the image or idol of darkness. Are you have trouble sleeping, bad dreams, feel like your are being watched… then it might be time to spiritually clean your house and toss the idols out. This is one of the reasons I do not accept gifts from witches.
So what next after this?
Well as the darker grows deeper, unfortunately, many Christians will continue to fall to the fine-sounding arguments from deep-state pastors and corrupted social leaders.
This movie, Maleficent, and the others that shall surely follow are simply the latest demonic parade for good-natured people to fall into. Good-natured hearts are needed, but compassion without wisdom never heals and can lead people astray. What is needed even more in the Body of Christ nowadays, is the heart of a warrior.
Warriors are needed at every level. Some need to clear the floor (expose the religious swamp) so that the people can come to the Lord in safety. Other need to protect God’s people both from troubles inside and outside the church, with hard messages of conviction with the Spirit of Holiness. And still, others need to stand in the isolated sections of Christian congregations and proclaim the Gospel of Repentance and the way to the Kingdom.
Warriors must see evil for what it is, with no compromise. All the while putting out a kind hand to rescue the Lord’s children who have fallen into the traps. Rescue what you can with hugs and tears, and warn the rest (as you can) with words of hope. Who knows, perhaps they will wake up.
This is excellent! Very excited to find your writing!