One of the interesting things about living with the Holy Spirit is learning to pay attention to His impressions. This of course will become more and more a life-and-death issue as things progress. Having made several east-west trips across the United States. I can say there have been times when the Holy Spirit has altered our travels. On our last big move from Casper Wyoming to Priest River Idaho, the Holy Spirit stepped in again. Here is the story.
On our final day in Wyoming. After a couple of days of trailer issues from Uhaul giving us a trailer that was not ready for the road and then getting it fixed on their dime. With it going to be another hot, 90-degree day in Wyoming, we finally hit the road for Idaho.
Just after the crest of the first hill outside of Casper, I started to remember a blog post I did in 2018 called “Hard Sky.” In this article I talked about the weather was most likely going to start doing odd things because evil was now openly running our government. (Don’t worry I will be reposting it on Substack here next week, 28th.)
I thought about it for maybe a whole two minutes as my mind shifted to other issues like, “Will my coffee cool off enough to drink.” Or why did we see a black bear out in the open plains running across the road that we almost hit?
Then at some point west of Billings, I was looking at people mowing their lawns, and I started thinking about our typical stay at a hotel in Livingston Montana. When I suddenly realized I was no longer comfortable with the idea of pulling into this hotel's parking lot. As I pondered it over I spoke to my wife Kathy about it.
“Ah… how do you feel if we don’t stop in Livingstone for the night?” I asked.
“Ah…ok?” Kathy replied looking slightly puzzled.
“Well, the more and more I think about it, I just am not comfortable with the idea,” I added.
“So we should just keep going, I mean I’m fine with it if you are?” Kathy answered back.
Looking over the expression on her face I then decided to add, “Well, just how far do you want to go today?”
“I… guess we could go to Butte, what do you think?” Kathy asked.
Giving it a moment I slowly started to play the name of one town after another along I-90 in my mind as I realized I was not comfortable with any of them until my mind landed on St. Regis. “Ah…well this is kinda crazy, but what if we drove all the way to St. Regis?”
Kathy kinda gave me a look and said, “I think we should just spend the night in Butte and not drive that far.”
“Ok,” I responded not very comfortable with the comment, but willing to go along with it for now..
After several more miles of driving, we soon passed Livingston and dropped down into the Bozeman Valley. Needing the rest area we stopped at this place we have been to many times. Walking into the building some slightly distorted news voice was almost blaring over the speaker making me slightly irritated at the noise.
But…standing in the men's bathroom I slowly started to make out some of the words and then realized it was an emergency weather report. Walking out my eyes opened as I paused in the lobby to wait for Kathy. Very quickly she exited and I pointed up with my index finger towards the voice. “Do you hear that? That’s a warning for a snowstorm that’s going to blanket Montana. I think that’s what I was getting warned about.”
Quickly walking outside into the air temperature was dropping, it was getting colder fast, so I said, “Let's check the weather reports along the way and see how bad it is going to get.”
Sitting in our truck we started checking cities along I-90 until we ended up at St. Regis. No snow, none for today or tomorrow, so realizing what I was thinking was the Holy Spirit, off to St. Regis we go.
Stopping off at Three Forks for gas the temperature had already dropped 34 and random gusts of wind were pushing me and other trucks two to three feet across the road.
Counting this all as another one of those Holy Spirit warnings that happen from time to time we continued, passing Missoula until we got to our hotel in St. Regis. As the overworked and understaffed counter gal helped to check several of us in I watched the weather channel feed in the tiny lobby as it not only showed me some of the other crazy weather that was suddenly taking place around the U.S. while I was driving. But it also showed me a live feed from Three Forks where we got gas, It was dumping snow, in feet. St. Regis was the end of the snow front, and the next morning was cold, but the ground did not have snow on it.
Things are changing, it’s not the same o’l playing field we always knew.