It is very possible nowadays to find a strong church today that has been reduced to immaturity, to the point of needing to have Christianity 101 rebuilt in them. You can find examples of this 1 Cor 3 as well as Hebrews 5. Read this: Hebrews 5:12 “In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food!” Ouch!!!!
An example of this would be a fairly well-known West Coast ministry in California that became known for many things including healing and exorcism. I was listening to a Texas minister by the name of Curry Blake who told a story of one of their healing teams. They went up to the ministry in California and stayed a while, having a great deal of success with healing and dealing with demons.
Unfortunately, the day came when they returned and Curry asked them what happened. The leadership team got all enamored with a “new system” called SOZO and started enforcing it throughout the ministry. Curry then reported that the success rate dramatically lowered, but after researching further, Curry realized the Sozo teaching had more to do with witchcraft than real, biblical healing.
There are now other places, whose biblical understanding of Spiritual warfare has become so distorted that they no longer confront the demonic evil by casting it out like Jesus did. They now “love” the person to the point the demon would “leave.”
Wow, what a profound departure from the biblical standard. I see no example of love being used to drive demons out in the New Testament. Jesus was always point blank and commanded a removal and he made it clear we have the same authority. To do less today is to spit on the authority Jesus gave us.
Yes, Jesus did say that some of these come out with prayer and fasting. But there is a big difference between one-on-one combat (command it to be gone) and assembling the armies of God to tear down the castle (prayer and fasting)
It’s an odd time in the Body of Christ. It feels kinda like a wandering ship without a rudder. As a result of this, the church now seems surprised by every major storm our ship wanders into. I see one of the problems of this being our ability to distinguish bad fruit from good. Our discernment is becoming lost in this craziness of the officers as we sail under.
Perhaps Martin Luther King was right when he described the church as having a schizophrenic personality.
As long as men are obsessed with building their own kingdom, then we will be a dog forever chasing its tail. For if we are obsessed with anything other than Christ, then we are possessed by the stuff of earth. This makes me think of Hebrews 3 where Moses and Christ are faithful before the Father. Perhaps it is not a matter of tearing down the old foundation. Perhaps it is a matter of walking away from every leader who has not demonstrated Kingdom values. Perhaps God is waiting for us to pull our support away from the faithless leaders so that He may raise up the leaders he has made ready??
So this is breaking news. but it totally fits as an example of what we are talking about.