So today is February 10th. Once again I was thinking that I did not need to write anything today. At the moment I have many Substack articles lined up well into April. But then a friend from the East Coast sent me a message. This got me thinking about a new article, so I am setting this message to post on the anniversary of when all this started.
Here is what my friend sent me.
“Somebody came up to me and asked me who I wanted to win in the Super Bowl. I could care less but they spoke of the Prophecy by Bob Jones, about if the KC Chiefs win, a great move of God will begin. People forget that the Chiefs won the Super Bowl last year and there is a "move of God" going on right now! But people in the Body of Christ only think that God is going just pour out His Glory on everyone in His Church and we have this great and glorious time.
But there is a process that has to happen before He does that or there would be a lot casualties in the Church. According to 1st Peter 4:17-18 "For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God? If the righteous one is scarcely saved, where will the ungodly and the sinner appear?”
What we are seeing now is God's love and mercy being poured out to his church to prepare us for an incredibly powerful move of God. But before that happens God is preparing His Church by cleansing us so can receive all HE has for us. We are seeing just the beginning of that cleansing now.”
This to me was interesting because I just got done reading Kaitlyn McCracken’s article in The Asbury Collegian. Entitled, “The Asbury Revival: One Year Later” in this article she recalls many of the facts of the outpouring like hours invested, visitor stats, and things like that. But in one part she remarked how everyone is still asking the same question, “What happened?” The answer came in the form of a quote from Asbury faculty member Jennie Banter, “It is a story that we are all still learning, and it is a story that is still being written.”
The reality is God has now stepped into the environment, and the general discussion of who and what the Body of Christ is, and what it is about to become is happening before us. Because of this many parts of the Body are now scrambling to either keep up, maintain the status quo, or figure out how to keep walking with the pillar of fire in the desert. To me, Asbury was a giant waving a red flag to the Charismatic world.
The general norm of revivals for a long time has been God always moving with the new. Sometimes birthing new movements and doctrine, but not this time. He stepped back, into something older, the Methodist. To me, I saw this as a rebuke to the gate holder of the Charismatic. Toronto, Brownsville, and others were given to the Body. But we messed them all up and now such things are a point of humor and disgust to the rest of the Body of Christ. Face it, even though there were verifiable miracles and people got saved, it was more of a carnival of the human spirit at times than something Holy unto the Lord.
Many big names tried to get invited, thinking this revival would be like the last and they could use it as a platform for money and power, but Asbury refused. These leaders then went off to “schedule” their own revival with the Pope in Lisbon Spain. This was pure foolishness, true revivals are Holy Spirit events, he runs the show, we do not. And trying to “schedule” the Holy Spirit to dance for you is the very definition of Spiritual stupidity.
Fast forward several months and many of these leaders’ names are now before us again. They’re getting taken down, and exposed. Their positions of power and influence are either gone or they stand on shaky ground. A few are starting to figure it out, but I can count all of those major leaders on one hand and not use all my fingers.
The downfall of Mike Bickel has rocked many things. And this fall is spreading outwards, quickly as it is now hitting many other ministries and even the major of KC. Unfortunately, I can not give details, as some information was given to me in confidence about KC and MorningStar. But I can say, that not only are the hits not over. But possibly some of the biggest hits are yet to come. Bethel and Morningstar have recently done things for damage control reasons without admitting such things to the public. But what is coming will stretch beyond them.
Asbury was a “Taste” of things to come. But right now what we need is a Janitor to unplug the toilets and take the trash out so we can make ready the Way of the King. Who is your allegiance to, God or the Corporate Church System?
It's disgusting how Satan has perversely corrupted organized religions to control and mislead us. Faith is a relationship, not a religion.