Growing up in a farming community, I am reminded of an old saying (at least it was old to me) “If the roof and the foundation are good, a barn can last forever.” This of course speaks spiritually to the issues of Spiritual headship and a solid foundational understanding of Christ, the chief cornerstone. All it really takes is cracks in the foundation, causing a shift in who Christ is. As well as inferior headships and rot will set in. Then things will break, opening up the door for rodents, bats, rats, and other things to come in and make a home in the darkness.
I’ve watched a couple of YouTube videos of a man who discovered in North England their long abandoned family castle. His family considered it a rumor, but once he found it, he bought it and started the long road to restoration. It’s amazing the work, that is now taking years to complete. The rot was extensive, as were the thousands of bats, mice, and other creatures living in this place. It truly was a symbolic representation of the current state of many corners of the Body of Christ right now.
How did we get here?
As I have written about in my book, My Father’s House. The Body of Christ has been on a slow progression towards decay ever since the first and second centuries. Much of the Apostolic letters addressed are arising in the body. Then, as time marched on believers started referring to a new group as “the newcomers.” These people believed in a distorted view of Jesus, and scripture. As a result, they saw the newcomers preaching and teaching as another gospel like the Apostle Paul warned about.
Eventually, Augustine came to power, converted to Christ under the newcomer’s gospel and the new Roman church was given political power, the Catholic order. The differences between the two “Christian” groups were astounding. Those who followed the Apostolic faith handed down by the Apostles continued converting followers through Faith, Hope, and Love. While the Catholic order used Armies, swords, threats, and intimidation. Christian believers were executed in vast numbers as they ran for shelter in the mountain valleys or distant islands.
There is an old saying, “History is written by the victors, but it’s the victims who write the memoirs.” This fact is incredibly true with early church history. As Christians ran for the caves and lived in survival mode. The Catholic orders, empowered by the state set about rewriting church history. This is a common tactic used by every dictator and tyrant in history, and religious cults like the Catholics still use it today to add validity to their claims.
Case in point if you research early church leaders it’s almost impossible to find anything other than the Catholic list of claimed popes starting with Peter. The following image from my book is the list of “claimed” popes. But compared to the second list of apostolic leaders, it is not the same.
The altering of history has caused many groups to mistakenly believe the Catholic narrative, and mistakenly “accept” them as brothers who have lost their way. Because of this, ecumenical movements keep working to find common ground. Such movements fly in the face of 2 Cor 6:14. “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?”
Much of this continued, without reprieve until the time of Luther. The work Luther did in what is now called the Reformation was valuable. As it did start the rebellion or the “protest” against the establishment.
FYI, that is what Protestant means at the core, “we are the protestors.”
Many hidden communities who could trace their faith back to individual Apostles got excited and embraced this new wave. But as much as Luther did, this reformation was far more centered around the mind and foundation but did little for the soul. Don’t get me wrong, millions have come to heaven through a better teaching of the Blood of Christ. But a greater zeal to walk in the fulness of the Holy Spirit is yet to unfold.
One of the factors behind this was Luther himself, he was a former Catholic priest. He did the best he could with his understanding of scripture and altered the gatherings according to what he knew. As a result, the basic foundation was still Catholic with the teaching changed. All protestant meetings today are built off that Catholic foundation, in effect we still have yet to pull up that rotten floor and get back to a better foundation.
A change is happening, a Hebrews 12 shaking is taking place at the core of the Body. With the advent of actions by many leaders, denominations, and movements that disobey the core of Jesus's desires on Earth. Corners of Christianity are beginning a slow, but steady march to freedom in Christ. This march, I can not help but be reminded of a statement from the Declaration of Independent that reads, “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
You can call them Jehu or Phinehas, but regardless the action is the same, they are throwing off the old guards of church leadership and embracing the Zeal for the Lord’s House (John 2:17) The Charismatic, Methodist, Southern Baptist, and others are also all feeling this moment in time as everything is being shaken for them as well. This is simply because a new wine is required for the season ahead, and this is what the Lord is now pouring out. Any system that attempts to contain the new will burst as we are now seeing happening within Mike Bickel’s old ministry. The new is coming, and the current leadership is still defending the old.
Why is that?
If you subscribe to the idea that we are at the end of days, then certain scriptures must now unfold. 2 Corinthians 11:2, Ephesians 5:27, Revelation 19:7 The Spotless Bride of Christ must now emerge from the devastation of the past. This must happen for the cause of Christ. It is out of this shaking that He is now drawing forth a bride from the ruins of the Babylonian system. Please note, that this system is not just the corporate Christian world we now have, but it’s the world’s religious system. This means Jesus is pulling forth his bride out of the Catholic, Mormon, and Islam as well as many others. This is literally an “every Tribe and Nation” thing.
Many leaders are currently failing to discern this moment in history, but not everyone. A case in point would be the current leadership within the International House of Prayer. The older, advocate group (an assembly of former senior-level leaders) are trying to do everything they can to biblically help bring justice.
The current leadership however is floundering, stumbling over their own words, and in so doing, continuing to give public examples of why they are no longer in control. Add to this is the introduction of a new leader, Retired Major General Kurt Fuller. With a life spent in Special Forces, Fuller no doubt has inspired and guided many men through combat situations.
Unfortunately, he has two errors. One, he has failed to comprehend the battlefield he is now in. This is a spiritual battlefield with different rules and he is using old tactics that are now starting to work against him. Second, in defending the Chain of Command he has failed to discern that those who placed him in command are failing to follow the King of Kings at the top. Because of this, the General is actually enforcing the orders of a rouge government.
But, as I said not every leader is falling into this pit. Leaders within the Methodist are trying to form a new denomination, free of woke mindsets and Government tax controls. There are even corners of the Charismatic that are waking up, and as one such leader recently told me, “I’m trying to help clean up human wreckage that had piled up.”
All in all, these are exciting times. Not exciting because of the human wreckage or failed leadership. But because we are now seeing a bit of prophesied history taking place. As momentum builds, the heartbeat of the bride and the bridegroom grows. Now the best task ahead for the new guard is watching your own heart so that your actions during this moment do not disqualify you from the next.
Remember this, even though David was a man after the Lord own heart he could not build the Temple, why? “But God said to me, ‘You are not to build a house for my Name, because you are a warrior and have shed blood.” 1 Chronicles 28:3
This means, your brother is still your brother, step carefully.
My personal belief is that we are in the end times of Satan's reign. And my writing is part of the change that's coming once we've taken down the cabal. I also believe that the organized religions of today were just others ways they've controlled and mislead us.
Well said! May we see the true Light in the darkness.