The Father's Heart... in us.
So I was pondering what the next post should be, considering this is the 98th. post and the upcoming 100th will be completely different in tone as compared to what has been going on for a while. I thought it best to continue displaying some attributes of Christ in us and through us before going down a rabbit hole of Church corporations like Morningstar, American Baptist, and perhaps more. So in the 100th. post I will be doing a little onion peeling.
So in some ways, you could say that this post is the “flip side” of a post I did not long ago called, “How Hard is Your Heart?”
Jesus said, “…Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father…” John 14:9 Through this scripture and others it becomes clear that Jesus was representing the Father’s heart on Earth. In some ways, this statement is kind of odd. I mean he was talking with his followers, and standing right in front of them, answering questions when he essentially said, “If look at me, I mean if you really look at me you will see the Father.”
We can look at stuff all day and not comprehend what we are seeing. In this case, Jesus was telling them that their eyes must comprehend me, and this requires the Spirit of the Father to do so. Remember what Jesus told Simon, “Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven.” Matthew 16:17. The eyes of our heart must open to see what is truth.
The Father’s Heart
Speaking and teaching on the heart of the Father has been tackled in Christendom in many ways, so I won’t be trying to reinvent the wheel in this post. But since we as a people are supposed to be measuring all things by their fruit, and not the tree itself I think is a good way to start looking at the effects of the Father’s heart on his people.
Not long ago I ran into a substack post by Kate Dreston called, “Grieving Someone Who Is Still Alive.” It was a good post written from the perspective of watching people dying around them with bad health. This got me thinking about other people I know, people who I have found myself grieving over who have made bad spiritual decisions.
We are a people called to Life and not death, and Scripture makes it clear that we are to think about things that are good and pleasing. However in each case the people I know are totally fascinated with death. One man I know, I no longer speak with has a Christian veneer that is slowly becoming tread bare before the world. Halloween and dark things are now more important to him than anything else. Through his actions, a spirit of death and chaos entered into his home causing many issues as his children as they grew into adulthood. Nowadays, to enter his home a person who would not recognize him as a believer as plastic skulls and dark objects litter his home.
The second person I know became enthralled with Edgar Allan Poe and it started to affect his photography and day-to-day life. His wife then jumped headlong into the world of RenFaires, gothic subculture, and darker things.
Each of these families has now lost loved ones in death, way before their time. To those of us who know, and could recognize the pattern of what was happening, we grieved their lives. These people knew life but were encaptured in darkness. Can you relate, do you morn for people like this? Guess what, this is the Father’s heart in you. What you are experiencing is an echo of the Father’s heart for the world, remember that.
Have you ever come across something in real life, or the internet something so horrific in nature that it hurt on the inside? This is also from the heart of the Father and Jesus felt it as well. Every recorded instance of the word compassion in the New Testament that is connected with Jesus uses the Greek word, {splagchnizomai} this word means the stirring of the inward parts, literally the twisting of the intestines. This means Jesus hurt inside, remember that as you read these scriptures.
“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” Matthew 9:36.
“When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.” Matthew 14:14.
“Jesus called his disciples to him and said, “I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry, or they may collapse on the way.” Matthew 15:32.
“Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed him.” Matthew 20:34.
This is a testimony of how much Jesus was connected to and cared for the people. So if you have hurt on the inside over things, then a part of the Father’s heart has touched you. Just remember one thing, every time Jesus felt this, he did something about it. How about you?
The Father’s heart is towards the Lost, Hurt, and Lonely. Are you alone? Consider this, his solution for loneliness is a family. “God sets the lonely in families…” Psalms 68:6 and he gives them a place to live. “My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?” John 14:2 Perhaps this is why hospitality is a requirement for leadership, 1 Timothy 3:2. Because if we are to be his representative on Earth, should we not be like him?
Metaphorically the heart has always symbolized the seat of passion, life, and drive of a person. But physically it is the center of your pumping system. If the Heart of the Father, through Jesus is in you. Then all of Eternity circulates within you. Now mind you, this takes time to understand and comprehend. But as you do, your old nature will fight the new that is growing within you.
This is where we can measure our “progress” by examining our lives against what we see in Jesus. Jesus was doing more than just modeling how ministry should be done on Earth, he modeling the Father’s heart. Consider this, “Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” 1 John 4:8 by our actions to the fallen world around us, as well as the rest of the body we can measure how much of the Father is in us by our love.
The flip side to this is so can the rest of the body, as well as the world. How many angry, self-serving, manipulative, narcissistic Christians have you met? Several I would assume and most likely at least one or two of them in a leadership position. Question, are they demonstrating 1 John 4:8, or are they demonstrating the attributes of a lesser kingdom?
This scripture also makes it clear that failing to know and demonstrate love is a clear indicator. It is a clear indicator of the fact that this person does not know God at all. Yes, I am sure they have head-based knowledge like the Pharisees of old, but that’s all. The lack of fruit in their life demonstrates a lack of the true source of Eternal life. Such attributes can be a clear sign that you do not need to follow their advice in life.
Polly Anna attitude of Hyper-Grace
As I have already used the word “flipside” twice in this post it seemed fitting to do it a bit more. Our modern understanding of Love often gets in the way of a clearer, biblical understanding. Preventing us from addressing issues around us as well as in our prayer life.
Sometimes to change our way of thinking He will separate people us from each other and places of employment for the Good of his children. His heart is so extreme on this issue that most can not comprehend how far he will go.
Remember, this is that same God who authored the Flood, parted the sea and drowned the Egyptian army, and sent an Angel to destroy an army that was attacking Jerusalem. And this is the same God, through his son who will open the seven seals to bring judgment to the Earth.
We are the called-out ones who are to learn to demonstrate the Heart of the Father to the world. So that they may have Eternal Life. This is why we must defeat and overcome the Polly Anna / Hyper-Grace attitude in our lives.
The wild untamable heart of the Father, “…chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.” 1 Cor 1:27. This same God who sat down with friends and said this was now a Holy moment whenever you gather together and remember me. This is the same God who called any service to the poor as service to himself. This is the same God who wants the children to come closer in an age when leaders just chase them away.
Remember, Jesus was broken for sinners, so let’s not let what we have chase people away.
Next week’s post is, “The Calling, Part One”