It seems a long time ago that the social image of a man that many looked up to was very positive. As men got older, they built whatever they felt they were called to build. Then as time progressed from younger to gray hair, men gradually took on more of the role of mentor to the world. Many pictures, paintings, and old movies portrayed men with a well-stocked library to be admired as they continued to add to their lives with more knowledge and skills.
Then a social shift slowly took place. This shift took the general social image of a man away from a respectable, civilized man of integrity. To eventually become more of a hidden cave dweller, gathering with other men of lesser honorable values. “Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”1 Cor 15:33
In doing so, libraries of knowledge gave way to "man-caves" to hide in. This of course soon gave way and as the slide continued, we now have gaming rooms, where overweight boys in their mid-thirties pull further away from the social norms of true civilization. This has provided a true seedbed for the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil to grow in as anger and self-centered thinking have replaced honor and integrity.
As the drive to accomplish the things that build this world has been neutered and we now flounder at the feet of uncertain times. True advancement is now being given over to artificial intelligence to build and create as we seem to have lost our own intelligence.
Under the Rug.
Much of this took place in our modern age. And to only look at these facts without the context of other, spiritual things may be a mistake. As the general understanding of what men were to be got slowly polluted with other concepts, so did Christianity.
Men not only abandoned their positions of being the guardians of civilization, but they did the same within the Body of Christ. As a result, we exchange moral integrity for TV. personalities. Therefore we should not be shocked that sexual predators now rule at the gates of our religious institutions.
This of course has snowballed in religion and culturally in many nasty ways. Our ability to discern right from wrong, good and evil has been chucked to the wind resulting in the sacrificing of a generation to the altar of woke mandates. This mental illness that has now been forced onto the young is peeling back the veneer to display the demons of darker natures. Boys and girls are becoming destroyed physically and mentally as they are surgically and chemically altered into the opposite sex.
We now stand at a doorway not normally seen in the Western world. It's a doorway of survival, uncomfortable, and unfamiliar it will soon become a necessity to walk through that door. Are we, like the saints of the past willing to hide people? Are we willing to hide children, mothers, and whole families, Jewish, Christian, or otherwise?
Are we willing to grow extra food, stock extra supplies, and surrender various comforts for the protection of those we have yet to meet?
Other Storms
The value of Human life is at an all-time low. Over 800,000 children go missing every year, most are never found. Of that number, only 203,000 are the result of family abduction. Source ~ Child Watch of North America.
Human Trafficking has turned into a 150 billion dollar business around the world.
•$99 billion from commercial sexual exploitation
•$34 billion in construction, manufacturing, mining and utilities
•$9 billion in agriculture, including forestry and fishing
•$8 billion dollars is saved annually by private households that employ domestic workers under conditions of forced labor.
“While only 19% of victims are tracked for sex, sexual exploitation earns 66% of the global profits of human tracking. The average annual profits generated by each woman in forced sexual servitude ($100,000) is estimated to be six times more than the average profits generated by each tracking victim worldwide ($21,800), according to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). OSCE studies show that sexual exploitation can yield a return on investment ranging from 100% to 1,000%, while an enslaved laborer can produce more than 50% profits even in less profitable markets (e.g., agricultural labor in India).” Source~ CCM World Global Communique, 25th Edition. p.43
Right now this world is full of distractions in the western world. This is happening at a time when Christian Martyrdom is on the rise. Right now there is also a sharp increase in many diseases. This year alone they are expecting Cancer Cases to Hit Record High in 2024. Source ~ Gateway Pundit. This to me is directly connected to what my prophetic friend Ian Winslow was told by the Lord, “I was shown it was witchcraft attempting to remove opposition.”
Meanwhile, the exposure of many of the top-level Spiritual Leaders is happening. This is forcing a revamping of spiritual leadership as I have mentioned in previous Substack posts. (1), (2), (3), (4)
This is the time the Body of Christ needs to “knuckle down” and go back to the basics. What is the Cross? Why is the Blood of Christ so important? Who is the Holy Spirit? Is our current Headship correct?
There was a point when I was totally on board and subscribed to the teachings of the Seven Mountain Mandate. But not anymore, to me I now see this as a distraction away from the primary cause of Christ.
Consider the first century. There were a lot of problems, unwanted children were put on exposure walls to die. Pagan gods were not only worshipped openly but in many cases mandated to the point of death. Marriage was a joke as it could be created and broken with records of women being married to several men and other women at the same time. Human sacrifice, sex with animals, and a government that enforced homosexuality in the military. And political positions that could be bought or sold as easily as buying or killing a slave for your own pleasure.
In this atmosphere, how much of this was addressed by the Apostolic writers of scripture? Not much, that is because the primary focus was changing the soul of man, not the soul of the culture. If man changed, and was molded into the image of Christ, then everything else changed. If you only work to change the culture, then all you are really doing is adding bandaids to a festering wound.
Nowadays everyone wants another, then another prophetic message. We are enamored with words, but not action or integrity. These are some of the “skills” we have learned from previous leaders who pretended to have integrity. Because of this, the following YouTube clip from the Lord of the Rings is the most likely the best prophetic message I would recommend for this present age. As it symbolizes our current leadership and the pressing issues that stand at the gate.
Click on the image below to watch… and ponder what is said.
As someone raised Catholic, but not knowing the Bible, I've come to realize that's why I'm open to new possibilities. My Awakening was the realization that Satan's been running things since the Garden and God, our Father, wants humanity to step up on all cultural areas of influence. God's got a better plan but it's been hidden. Without God's guidance man is lost, and I trust that the seven mountain mandate reflects his perfect plan for his ways in EVERY area that affects our lives. It's my opinion though.