Many years ago, in the early 1990s, I worked for a petrochemical inspection company in Puget Sound. My job was as an independent third-party inspector on tanker ships, barges, and refineries. All in all, I was typically inside four different refineries and a handful of ships every week. And on a rare occasion, I would travel outside my area for other needs.
I learned many lessons, but one of the interesting ones came from my boss, Steve, who died just a few years ago. We were talking about companies, contracts, and competition from other inspection companies.
We were known for handling the big contracts that often pay out very well. But in speaking with other inspectors, I saw them traveling very large distances to handle small jobs, so I asked my boss about it.
He explained he often gets offered the same jobs, but he chooses not to get involved in them, he then answered with, “I will step over dimes to pick up dollars every time.”
I have learned to adopt this attitude in many things, yes, there are many times that you do need to do the smaller things for a while before you can step physically or spiritually into the next step. So, in the case of my former employer, Morningstar Ministries, I have interviewed people, and when necessary, I have connected them to attorneys or other people to carry the story forward. First of all, these people NEED more resources than I can provide. Second, I am looking at deeper things for a bigger impact; that's one of the reasons why the post “Welcome to Shunem Foundation” was written.
This is the same attitude I am taking with my historical pursuits, to peal away the religious nonsense of the generations and attempt to reclaim the things that were lost. In my post, “The Ancient Path,” I referenced Pam Clark's dream concerning the ancient path, as it is another clue to the Lord's heart for the next season.
As I have mentioned in other posts, several ancient Christian cultures struggled to maintain what I now call the teaching of “The Way” before complacency, distraction, and lethargy rushed in with the Catholic rise to power. One of those communities was the very early Celtic believers before Catholicism and occult thinking crept in.
The Trinity, The Great Three in One.
The Bible in this ancient community was central, and out of that, a deep understanding of the Trinity was at the core of belief in all things in this community. Here are some quotes from Trevor Miller of the Northumbrian Celtic Community, who has done deep research in this area.
“The emphasis on the Trinity cannot be overstated. It’s always good to remind ourselves as Christians, that Community began in the heart of God. That the self sufficient God who is love, is Community within Himself. And that all Community flows from this.”
Also from Trevor Miller.
“The early Celtic Northumbrian spirituality had a profound understanding of this. One of their prayers stated, ‘God is Father, Son and Spirit. Therefore God is Three in One. Therefore God is Community. If we are made in the image of God, Then we will find our fulfillment in Community (in relationships of love).”
As I have stated many times, modern corporate Christianity is a distorted version of a far greater reality and should be avoided. The follower becomes tied to a system of sustaining the Beast out of religious duty, while Jesus is relegated to being the frontman for the show and eventually supplanted with human replacements. “Community” becomes a promotional sticker slapped on the side of an old bus to justify Lavitical concepts of the “storehouse.”
Compare that to the ancient wisdom of the Celtic world. Look at your index finger and hold it out straight. As you slowly close it, notice that you have three folds of the finger. Each one is unique but still the same finger. This is the Trinity; the first is the Son, the second is the Father, and the third is the Spirit. Unique, but the same. Now open your hand and look at the palm. You see the interconnection and life of the five-fold ministry, each ministry clearly displayed. The key word in this is five-FOLD ministry or, to say it even more clearly, five-enfolded as one within the life of the Trinity to make one hand to bless the world. With this one hand, you can make a fist and be a burden and curse to the world or open it and be a blessing. This is but a sample of the wisdom of the Ancient Path.
The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit exist in a constant community and through the blood sacrifice of the Son. We, the household of God, are invited into this very large community. We are invited into the Father’s House, a house not made by hands but held together by the common bonds of blood, fellowship, love, and joy.
No human hands can do it, but we can speak of it, pray about it, and live and exist in it. He must build it; we can only participate in the process. The church corporation, however, offers service to the system in Jesus' name Jesus. However, this offer does not bring us to the well of life.
Jesus, the living Hope, offers life abundant in the garden of your soul with the Trinity. It is through the beauty of that garden, in your soul, that lifts Jesus up before the world. “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” John12:32
The gospel of the church is to come, participate, and serve the system so that we may all enter heaven together.
The Gospel of the Kingdom offers, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full..“ (John 10:10). That means that the Kingdom starts here now, in the center of our soul, not at some future point. For all of God’s promises are “Yes” towards us 1 Corinthians 1:20.
Some may call this splitting hair, but in reality, it is one of the small shifts of thinking that has so easily pointed the people of God away from the Path to a system.
We need to understand and comprehend the greater depths of what community with God is. It is said that each person needs to have a personal revelation of Jesus before moving forward in Ministry. In pondering this, I have started to realize the long-term value of this as I see the effects of what this did in my own life.
Such a revelation does deepen who you are and how you think and feel about the things around you. That is why it should be pursued by each person. Too many people, I feel, launch themselves into ministry on far lesser foundations. Here is something to ponder: if all things were created by Him, for Him, and through Him. Should not the ministries of today be built on the same enduring foundation? Could the evidence we are seeing in today's ministries be proof of the quality of the foundation as it falls apart?
Just as He is three in one, we are the same: Body, Soul, and spirit. Just in our case, our center is stinky, corrupt, and broken. That is why we need to be reborn via the Blood of Christ. Part of us must be exchanged so that we can LEARN to walk in fellowship with the Trinity.
From this, a new agreement and a new bond are created as he eventually introduces us to the community HE HAS BUILT. From this, the strength of the Trinity as three in one now manifests on the Earth. God, you, and the community, the new temple of Jesus on the Earth.
This is why the dark, catholic forces of Europe worked so hard to stamp out our hidden apostolic/missionary communities all over the Earth.
One More Thing
There is a common feeling that is growing among many believers right now. A feeling that something thing has changed. It was Ron Cantor who made a great observation about the body of Christ lately when he said that it is now splitting into two camps. I would say the line in the sand is biblical integrity. The smaller camp will be feeling displaced, while the bigger camp will continue to follow the dog and pony show. One will seek Jesus; the other will fall headlong into the apostasy of a political Jesus. Do not be discouraged; these things must take place because the old system must die within you.
“Truly, truly I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” John 12:24 God is doing a work within you, don’t rush it.
The Ancient Path is the better wineskin, and you can not pour it into modern Christianity and expect things to work. The old must end so that the new will live. This is because old mindsets are like old nails stuck in weathered wood. It took time and patience for the Lord to use his crowbar to loosen my thinking to the new. You can not do this quickly, your old mindsets must go, and the wounds of the past need time to heal so that the new life can grow.
“God settles solitary ones into a home, leading out prisoners with manliness, likewise those who embitter them that live in tombs.” Psalm 68:6 (Septuagint)
Very deep. I need to read this over several times.