As we progress into this new year, I thought it would be good to start off with an update. This Substack grew out of the closing down of the magazine called Breadstone Community that a small group of us started.
That project started well, considering it was a big experiment for us. We learned, grew, and improved our skills. Sales were shaky for the magazine as well as the one book we had. But eventually, our website got hacked in a big way, shutting us down for two weeks. Nothing we did could get it up and running so I eventually reached out to a young man I know who can read coding like we would read a book.
Within seconds, he told me that someone had broken in, re-wrote the code, and given themselves a back door to enter whenever they wanted. He quickly fixed the issue and wrote a new code encryption to keep them out, but the damage was done. Someone had gained access and acquired all the customer data, and from that day on, there were no further sales.
I eventually spoke with a person back east who had been connected to my former employer way longer than I had. When I explained my situation, they laughed and said, “So… you do know that Rick monitors all his former staff, right?”
I responded back a little confused, “What do you mean?”
“Rick can not stand competition, do the math,” they responded back.
So, I can not prove that the business we started was crushed by my former employer. Nor do I expect anyone to believe this story. But I do put it out there for anyone who has been struggling with their own business after leaving Morningstar, and they are looking for answers.
“Your problems may not be what you think they are.”
Anyway, starting Substack was an effort by myself to keep speaking and find a format where I had the freedom to speak and also have someone else’s IT department troubleshoot the problems.
18 Months
After almost three years of doing the magazine and trying to keep Breadstone Publishing running, substack kind of feels like a dream. Eighteen months have now passed by, and the subscribership has grown, sometimes in big jumps. Paid subscriptions are slowly happening as well, and we have now officially made more than I did with book sales and magazine subscriptions. I am happy to see many of our former writers join Substack and are doing their own thing.
On Substack, I have written on many subjects, but by choice, I have limited myself to just a few topics. I did, however, know that at some point, the Lord was going to have me start speaking up on the Morningstar Nightmare. Yes, I could tell the subject was drawing closer because of what happened at IHOP.
When the IHOP story broke, the first video I saw was on the Wake Up and Win podcast. Knowing some of the history, I quickly sent them a letter warning them about what they were up against. In fact, if you watch their second video on the IHOP problem, you will notice they referenced the letter I sent them.
I don’t think Blaise quite believed me when I told them that they were dealing with Wolves, but now I know they know better. There were phone calls; people in IHOP started researching any sources of information to help them out. So I KNEW the time was growing closer for the spotlight to refocus on Rick.
It took me over a month to write the first post, “The Good, the Bad, and the Unqualified.” There was a lot of erasing and rewriting, and I had to conform to Substack’s data limits. But in the end, I just needed to trust the Lord. I can not believe the timing of it. In three hours, it was almost four times the viewing of my top post, and by the end of the day, it was sailing in new waters.
People inside Morningstar started subscribing; some started contacting me. When Dave Yarnes got fired, I was asked by one person if I could find the answers because no one was telling the staff anything about why he was fired. I did and added the information to the next post. It was exciting, the voiceless in the Mstar system were now speaking up.
2025 will not look like 2024 on this substack. Yes, there will still be references to what is going on, possibly new information. But ever since I released the post “Welcome to the Shunem Foundation.” Well, it felt like there was a shift going on. A year of research by myself and a prophetic friend is now “out there.” I know some people will think I am crazy, but I did turn down the offer to be on a YouTube podcast to speak about Morningstar’s money. It did not feel right; perhaps it was the man who offered, or it was something else.
I personally am hoping to move on; I am tired of looking at numbers and filth. And yes, I know the Lord may yet have me doing a few more things as far as my former employer. But I crave the new, not the old.
However, just as the dust of Rick’s current blunders settles, a person would think ALL the focus would now be turning to Daystar. But… Rick's narcissistic tendencies have forced him to do something to bring the spotlight back onto himself, he brought Todd Bentley back.
On Oct 16, I wrote a post called “Checkmate,” and then later, on Dec 11, in the post “Odds and Ends,” I added that Rick has three moves left on the Chessboard. I believe the picture I posted below is evidence that he has played one of his moves.
Moving on
I have been feeling for a while a shift in the air coming. God is cleaning the house to make it ready for what he wants, and that is where I wish to go. Currently, the Body of Christ is getting a bit dizzy from all the exposure, and some people still have a death grip, holding tight to their favorite ministers. But I would caution you, don’t hold on too tightly, many of the names you feel are “safe” from exposure is nothing more than an illusion. There are yet still names to be exposed coming up.
It’s all coming down, and when it’s done, all you will have is Jesus… so take no trust in the names you know. I say this because there are other elements at work on the exposure issue, far bigger and more professional. This is something I have been asked not to comment on. So you will need to read between the lines of what I am saying. The board has been set, the pieces are moving, and not everything is meant for the public at this time.
The Legacy Continuum - podcast
At the top of the main page, you will see a header called “The Legacy Continuum.” This spot has been painfully quiet and unless something crazy happens you will see this change in 2025. I was getting ready to start this project when the Lord had me put all this on hold to help expose the Morningstar mess. But now I see the first whispers of hope that things are turning in this direction.
I have been desiring for some time to create a spot once a week where families can sit down for a modern version of the old radio story hour. Several of us, for a few years, have been working on a Christian Science Fiction story that we would like to bring to you. The current plan is that the first couple of episodes will be free. But since we have put a lot of serious work into this, the rest of the episodes after that will require membership to substack. If you have already become a paid member, don’t worry… your all set.
Rough guess, the episodes for this family-friendly story, Fading Starlight, will be around 30-40 minutes in length. Will Substack be the only platform these Podcast shows will be on? No, there will be others. My hope is to see revenue increase so that we can return to publishing in order that we can offer printed books to go with the shows when they come out.
I sent audio samples to about ten people. From this, I have settled on a narrator’s voice and am moving on to finding the right voices for certain key characters. We needed a narrator's voice that would be unique and would not put people asleep, and I think we found it. Click to listen.
I will be sharing other samples and things as we get closer, and this should be enjoyable for the whole family.
We estimate the first book should be around 25+ episodes to finish it. That’s over six months of listening. If enough income comes in from subscriptions, then we will gladly just move forward with the next book, The Eugenics War with a possible break in between them. After that, there are several MORE books to this story that will take the reader far away to other lands on other planets. And I will be speaking more about this as we get closer.
As I said earlier, these will be family-friendly shows with Christian issues tucked into the corners for our flawed heroes to deal with. In later books, new heroes who are not Christians will later come to faith after fighting external and internal issues.
Now, does that mean I am going to stop writing on various topics? No, it does not. There are just too many issues out there, but I sense I will be working on this issue a lot to get it up and running. I may skip a week here and there of my regular posting.
I have generally tried to stay away from politics. This is mainly because I have watched politics enter into the environment, and everything spiritual gets sucked up and is now viewed through a new lens. It is a very bad thing to filter Kingdom realities through human politics. This ultimately turns Jesus into a political god and presents the world with (Galatians 1:8-9) “another distorted gospel.”
Because of what has happened in the political realm of the United States and around the world in the last ten years. Many Christians have sunk their roots very deeply into this. As a result, this issue can be a minefield to speak about, even among like-minded people. Emotions run high with passion and anger as each person defends their own understanding. This, to me, is evidence of what I talked about last week: a political spirit.
This will be a TOUGH thing for the Body of Christ to speak about in the future, even within republican camps. If we feel the Holy Spirit is warning us about something. Will such Holy Spirit warnings be viewed as unpatriotic in the future? I say this because there are bad actors (Christian) already lining up to get as close as possible to Trump. And if some mega-pastor who is a favorite at political events starts saying something bad, and you speak up to bring concern, how will your actions be viewed by others?
Next Week, “Kingdoms in Conflict.”