There are a few people out there who I speak with on a semi-regular basis, and those people have come to realize how little I fit into the “norm.” One of them asked a question that I would have answered completely different not that many years ago.
“So with everything that has happened, who do you follow now?”
Years ago, I would have been given a fairly long list of prophetic and apostolic names, but now all that has changed. I looked at her and said, “No one.” I explained that I learned that if anyone was ever “approved” by Rick Joyner and spoke at Morningstar, in my mind, they were suspect and should be treated with caution. I have heard stories of substance abuse, drinking, closed-door parties, and such things. Not to mention the stuff housekeeping found in people’s rooms after these “well-known leaders” left the building.
Did housekeeping find…?
Drugs… yes
Pornography… yes
Photos of other minister’s wives… yes
So, in many ways. Johnathan and Suzi Lamb’s testimony on YouTube did not surprise me when they talked about all these ministers knowing each other’s dirt. That is why they are all covering for each other. This fact is also backed up by Joel Richardson's testimony to Suzi about hundreds of pastors.
So, as I think about this, I have watched as people are starting to let loose their grips from the exposed pastors to turn around and hold on tightly to those who have currently not been exposed yet. Does that sound ominous?
People like their gods, we like what we can touch and feel. Since we have relegated Jesus to the position of “frontman” to get people through the door and then replaced him with the “Pastor.” People attach themselves to the man. Man was not made to be worshiped; it makes us spiritually and mentally unhealthy. That is why this whole system must come down; it must crash so that the Lord can raise up in a better way.
Don’t hold too tightly to the leaders of today, very, very few of the names you see today will still be standing in a little while. If you're trying to figure out who is coming down next, let me give you a little insight. “Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” 1 For 15:33
Look at who keeps friends with who and remember that wolves hunt and travel in packs. Yes, it is possible that many of these started out with a pure heart, but they became corrupted as they hung out with the wrong people. This happened because “A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.” Galatians 5:9
So I go back to the question, “Who do you follow?” And I realize something as I ponder the question. If I follow this prophet or that apostle, then who did they follow? And how long has this been going on? What I mean is, how many generations have people followed men, who followed men who followed someone else? So, are we all not then just clones of man… So, who is following Christ?
The image above represents people marked according to there known actions. Rumors suround some of thouse with questions marks. So we all wait for the evidence to know better. FYI, obviously this is not an exhaustive list.
But please remember this one thing, “Take no trust in any man.” Your best action at this point is just walk away from the pretenders.
What should be the qualifications of who to follow? Consider the Apostle Paul’s words, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ” 1 Corinthians 11:1. Meaning, examine their lives and MAKE THE JUDGEMENT CALL if they are mirroring the life of Jesus. If they are, then follow that example. Anything else is not worthy of your commitment.
Update on Shawn Boltz and Kris Vollotton
The Way
For the majority of us, we have no concept of a true “life in Christ” other than what we have been raised in. When pastors, elders, and other leaders talk about creating a “first-century fellowship,” we do such a thing interpreted through the lens of our experiences, culture, and preprogrammed concepts. As a result, a first-century fellowship recreation is flawed and a bit more like going to comic-con, where everyone takes on the mental role of their favorite hero, they just don’t dress like it.
This is because we still keep trying to work with the flawed system we grew up with. Trimming off the corners, trying to make it fit in the new box that has been created for it. It’s the old wineskin, reused over and over again, growing ever thinner.
The very fact that we have so many Christian denominations and traditions that all think their way is correct should be evidence that we are all correct and incorrect at the same time. Real wisdom is required to disconnect from flawed concepts and find the real.
Much of the thinking enforced in some denominations has nothing to do with biblical Christianity. Still, it has everything to do with the government and its 501c3 tax status the churches are granted. This is why you have boards, votes, membership roles, reading of the minutes, and such things to comply with the parameters of a corporation, not Kingdom living. This is just another way the traditions of men have been rubber-stamped into our Western kingdom culture.
Things are shifting; the Lord is cleaning the house, and it will soon become a requirement for everyone to start asking real questions like, “What are the lies I have been taught?” You see, this moment in time has been brought to you by a jealous God who desires that you know him alone. All these pretenders have blocked the door to the true intimacy the Lord desires you to know.
I don’t want to attend a church/corporation; I want to dwell in the presence. I don’t want a system, I want a relationship. What I mean is, ( if you can hear this ) I don’t want attend, I want to dwell, to be inhabited and to inhabit him. I don’t want to live in a system of pretend, I want a Holy relationship that is defined through the gateway of the Trinity and the blood of the cross.
Status Quo
God is tired of the status quo of the mainstream,
“Away with the noise of your songs!
I will not listen to the music of your harps.
But let justice roll on like a river,
righteousness like a never-failing stream!” Amos 5:23-24
Justice needs to roll like a river and soak deeply in to the Lord’s body before worship becomes pure and accepted. He stands at the door waiting for us. Perhaps in this hour, it would be wise for all of us to revisit the blood of the Messiah and seek a better life.
I know in many groups, there is a high emphasis on various high-profile gifting like prophecy. But those houses are shaking, and they are shaking because they did not make the things of God a priority. I would rather see the prophetic and apostolic houses be built on a foundation of Holiness and Righteousness than on money, fame and human influence.
To go where we need to go, we need to learn deeply the lessons of today and not forget them, otherwise we have learned nothing.
I used to have so much guilt that I didn't attend church. But I was a single mom in a small tourist town and weekends were when the money could be made. In the last 2 years of learning, I realized I'm right where God wants me to be... and walking God's path with a former Jehovah Witness who was also disillusioned with organized religions. I'm incredibly content with where we're at. Great content Robert!