So you would think that a person like myself who writes as much as I do would have a better “about” section. Well then I guess I should write one.
Who am I?
Well, my name is Robert Foster, and since there are so many authors out there with the same name I put my name as Robert A. Foster on the cover of my books. I was born in the southwest to a traveling coal miner who gave up that life and moved his large family to the Pacific Northwest.
Coming to Christ after high school, was the first of many unpopular decisions with friends and family. As the years progressed, I have had many Spiritual experiences that have added to my overall understanding of the world, spiritual, and political matters.
All this and more has affected my writing and general thought process in the Spiritual and Physical world. I fully believe that man makes all things complicated that the Father has made simple. And that’s why I try to simplify all that I write about.
If you're looking at this…
Then I assume you are seeking to understand who is this crazy, blunt person who is writing all this stuff? Over the years I have worn “many hats,” for employment reasons from woodworking to petroleum inspection to hardware.
But my walk in Christ has taken me down many roads, some of which are often misunderstood by the people around me. I’ve done church planting, and prophetic ministry, and was even on staff at a well-known prophetic ministry back east. And it’s in that last job back east that I finally rebelled against the corporate religious system.
When I look at what Jesus says in scripture and then compare it to what we are being served. I can no longer stand the meal that the Babylonian religious system is offering.
Most people do not understand what I just said, but before the end, I think everyone is going finally to “get it.”
This Substack
All in all, this stack is generally a mixed bag of ideas, topics, news, and hopefully Spiritual encouragement. I try to take the news and try to sandwich it between several posts meant to encourage, uplift, and bring Spiritual value to your life.
Yes, please do. And after a while, If you like what you hear then please consider upgrading your subscription to a paid subscriber, It definitely helps out. This can be done for just $30 for the year or $5 a month.
If you can not, for financial reasons I get it. However you should know that from time to time I unsubscribe people who never, or have quit opening the posts I send them. This is because I am looking more for a community far more than followers. SO… if you are just running around Substack and subscribing without reading then you are not what I am looking for.