Many within the Body of Christ would love nothing more than a return to the things they once knew. Unfortunately, those days are now becoming like mist before the morning sun, transparent, and thin.
One of the reasons for this is that while we were asleep, darkness had moved in, usurping Godly spiritual authority in the seminaries and pulpits. There is not a corner of Christendom on earth that is not infected with some sort of spiritual leaven. All in all the Lord is now in the process of deep pruning. Removing dead wood, infected branches, and in some cases replanting his people in new locations as old gardens are destroyed and new ones are being planted.
It’s interesting that one of the first jobs given to mankind in scripture was to tend the garden; and when Mary of Madeleine was at the tomb looking for the body of Jesus, she could not recognize him because she thought he was the gardener. Could it be that this was deliberate?
Jesus is recorded as being the “second Adam,” In other words, he was the second gardener on earth.
If you have any real understanding of what Jesus has been doing in the last two thousand years, then you could argue the point that he has been allowing things to grow up, evaluating them, and then deciding each year on the Day of Atonement if he will prune or uproot the plant.
As shocking as it is to many Christians, we must understand that he is the gardener and that if he decides to remove a ministry, he can do it. Also, if he wishes to continue to show grace and give it another chance, well, that’s his decision as well.
What is happening?
Much of the deep pruning that has been seen in places like the Southern Baptists has now reached the other branches of the Christian tree. Jesus the gardener is doing his spring cleaning, getting ready for a new season of growth. New leaders, and new congregations with a restoration of new ideas on Integrity, Holiness, and Worship.
Many of the Charismatic ministries will not survive, Jesus is apparently already bringing an end to IHOP as we know it and the ground is becoming uncomfortable under Bill Johnson’s ministry. Morningstar, however, I feel is not slated for total removal from the garden of the Lord. This lampstand will get reduced, cut back, way back to remove the dead wood of decades of manipulation and empty promises.
Some of the leaders will not rise again, some will go silent and others will come back after deep corrective measures from the Lord’s hand. As I mentioned in “Icabod” There is still hope. However, due to Substack's email limitations for the Icabod post, I will be addressing the following here.
What is currently unfolding based on prophetic insight?
The Hope of what is Coming.
What Needs to Happen Now?
A look at Matthew 18
Based on Prophetic insight, what is currently unfolding?
This ministry, Morningstar is now walking out the fulfillment of Jeremiah Johnson’s prophecy in 2018 back when I was still employed at the ministry. Jeremiah Johnson was speaking at a conference in Morningstar and prophesied to Rick Joyner in front of the entire conference. In this moment he openly declared that Rick was guilty of working in the spirit of Eli, what was he speaking about?
“And the Lord said to Samuel: “See, I am about to do something in Israel that will make the ears of everyone who hears about it tingle. At that time I will carry out against Eli everything I spoke against his family—from beginning to end. For I told him that I would judge his family forever because of the sin he knew about; his sons blasphemed God, and he failed to restrain them. Therefore I swore to the house of Eli, ‘The guilt of Eli’s house will never be atoned for by sacrifice or offering.” 1 Sam 3:11-14
At this conference, Rick publically agreed with this word. What we are seeing now is the unfolding of this word, not only against Rick, but middle management (his sons) as well. This is why I have tried to tell people in middle management to leave. By Rick publically agreeing with this prophetic word, he has agreed with the Lord’s judgment on himself (Matthew 6:10) and the ministry, setting everything in motion. In effect, Rick just put himself and the ministry into Checkmate, and since 2018 he has been running out of moves.
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be,” Matthew 6:21. Most people say where your money is, your heart is. Rick's version seems to be where the power is, his heart is. ~ Ian Winslow
For a long time after leaving, my mindset concerning Morningstar was not good. It was during this time my prayer was, “But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” Amos 5:24 But in time several things happened. I found a dream in an old journal from years before where I was told this ministry was worth fighting for. The second was a collection of dreams from myself and a prophetic friend who also worked at the ministry. He had shared with me a dream of many skyscrapers all twisted and slated for destruction. But in the dream, the Lord had decided to untwist Morningstar.
Praying into this I believe the Lord will untwist and save the ministry but they could possibly lose the building. Now this of course is against what many people are now feeling, I understand that. And for years my heart also rested on that hill of “destroy it all.” But our heart is not the Lord’s heart.
“My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.” Proverbs 3:11-12
For years people asked me, “What do you think of Chris Reed?”
My answer was simple, “I have no clue, never met the man. He hired on after I left.” Later the Lord shared with me that Chris is symbolically Issac and one of his purposes was to make the way for Jacob who will bring the 12 tribes. Chris Reed’s actions are a part of the Lord untwisting (painfully) the ministry. This work is now getting picked up by attorneys, victims, and former workers who have seen the injustice of Eli.
But there will be a new leader after Rick has been permanently removed from the ministry. This person's job will be the spiritual replanting and new vision for the ministry that will spread out (12 tribes)
The Lord has a plan for this ministry. But Eli and his unruly sons must be removed and the floor swept clean. The Body of Christ is standing up before the Lord… seeking justice, and He has heard them.
The Hope of What is Coming,
Let me put this to you in simple terms, This ministry has become a wild Olive tree and for the purpose of this parable, I will call its manager, The Pope.
The Pope was known for bulling the rest of the garden, demanding all the plants submit to the authority given to him. And the garden submitted, in mind, body, and soul to the authority of The Pope. In time the Cardinal’s eyes wandered to the children of the garden. Some were pleasing to the eye so they created ministries to guide and groom them, for the needs and purposes of the great Olive tree and its leaders.
But soon the children were broken, some cried out to the Cardinals, and others tried to cry out to The Pope. But the words returned made no sense to the ears of the unfortunate, so in the darkness they wandered off. But in time the Children finally learned to cry out to the Lord. What shall the Lord do?
“…He Does Not Forget The Cry Of The Afflicted.” Psalm 9:12
A storm has been summoned, the olive tree is to be broken. The robes of the Cardinals will be torn and beaten, and the pride of The Pope shall be crushed. And the hearts of those that worship under the great limbs of the Olive tree will fail, for the tree was turned into an idol becoming offensive to the Lord.
The plants of the garden that withered under the mighty tree will then see the Sonlight for the first time, and grow. Bees will pollinate the flowers, the hummingbirds will find their song. Healing will come as the Presence returns and a new leader stands up. A heart like Samuel, and the feet of Jacob, he will divide the authority to new sons. Transplanting the new shoots of the Olive tree, the sons will set out to replant during the dark days ahead. In this, the offensive will be turned into a blessing for many.
In this little parable, I hope you comprehend what I am saying. There is a bigger purpose for this ministry. But it can not be completed in its current condition. Many former people like myself and others I have known, still have their hearts attached to this place. We have walked through anger and grief and the Lord has decided to speak to us all about it. In doing so prayers are still going up. They were going up long before I ever became employed and they are still going up long after I left. Once Jeremiah Johnson released his word, Rick publically agreed with it. The Lord put him in checkmate and he was never going to get out of it. The moment was sealed, the road was set.
There are dark days yet coming to this world, we can all feel it. Although many in the future may never see the name “Morningstar” displayed around the world. And quite honestly that name may fade. But they will feel the freedom and the kindness of the Lord from these future leaders who will be released.
Whenever things like this happen one of the questions people ask is, “Why?” Why did it happen? Why this and not that? In 2019, a year after I left the ministry and was living in Wyoming I had a dream where the Holy Spirit was walking me around the Fort Mill property. During this walk, I learned a few things. I was introduced to an old black man sitting on a porch. His home and clothing seemed to be all from the Civil War era. The three of us spoke about several things including some of the things Rick started but abandoned. But I learned that all that Jim Bakker built, was built on top of a preexisting spiritual swamp and that this swamp must be drained.
I realize now that this swamp, I assume was the result of something happening in either the slave era or the tribal people before that. Contributed to Jim Bakker’s fall and now Rick’s. Either way, this explains to me why some of the intercessors in the first few years Morningstar owned the building could not remove the dark presence on the lower end of the building. As well as the event, in the first year where some of the young girls on the fourth floor were chased out of their hotel rooms by a spirit in the middle of the night. It was a principality and the intercessors were essentially “throwing hatchets at the moon.” See John Paul Jackson’s book ~ Needless Casualties of War for more information on that phrase.
It is also very possible that the weakness that was already inside key leadership only magnified and became more intense after they purchased the building that sat on the spiritual swamp. Now don’t get me wrong, each leader is legally responsible for their own actions before the Lord and the civil courts. I am just displaying the issues I know of. Personally, if it were up to me. I would move the ministry of this land after all the lawsuits are done by selling it or giving it back to Jim Bakker. But to be honest that may not be what the Lord wants. I say Jim because I have also heard the rumor that Jim Bakker would like it back.
What needs to happen now?
Right now there is a lot of pain and mess. This is a necessary part of the process towards healing. The people must get exposed and be forced to see all that has been taking place. No one wants to look at it, seriously who does? But it must be done to educate all of us.
It was primarily the “youth” or younger crowd the Lord used to shake IHOP. And at this moment that seems to be what is happening at Morningstar and eventually at Bethel. This is both a good thing and in some ways, this is a judgment against older people. These people were supposed to be the elders, the guardians of righteousness in the body. These watchmen failed, and the Lord has noticed. As a result, the keys to advancement will now be given to the servants he trusts.
Some people are currently criticizing the methods and words being used by the younger crowd as they do this work. Yes, the hearts are not pure, they are angry, emotional, and reactive. But let’s be honest, you who complain have no corner to do so. Because the opportunity for our generation to do something has passed. We should have stood up in the 80’s and 90’s and corrected this. Or at least during the Todd Bentley fiasco. But we were mesmerized by flash and show and gave in to entertainment, lethargy, and complacency, and the fear of man. Our silence is now our testimony against us.
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:3
To the wounded, hurting, and lost, the best thing you can do during this time is tell your story with the hope of waking others up. This will increase and draw more people in to get healing. Hopefully we the older crowd can at least help you with this.
You are the voiceless now being heard.
Yes, I know some of you think you have walked away from Jesus. You ran so far that you now believe you have built strong walls to keep everything out. But in the stillness of the night, when the whispers of another life tickle your dreams, would you dare hope again? The process of healing will not be quick. This will require you to be honest with yourself in ways you will not currently understand.
Our anger is not what some think it is. Our anger is grief manifesting on the surface. We all mourn the loss of what we thought we were connected to. We knew in our soul what we dedicated our life to, but like spilled milk on the floor, we see the waist. “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Matthew 5:4 What we need to understand is that in the process, he will use this to teach us how to heal so that we can touch the lives of others.
This is the element of the Olive tree that was never explored in this ministry, it was never cultivated. We will now learn how to minister to the brokenhearted. Yes, the prophetic will still be there, but only as a tool, not center stage. This is the real garden Jesus is working.
Matthew 18 ???
How does this message I gave you compare when looked at through the lens of other scriptures? One of the most used and misused scriptures during this season has been Matthew 18. It became a banner held high over the Mike Bickle castle, and Rick distorted it greatly when the spotlight turned his direction. So much so it makes me (and others) question Rick’s “doctorate of theology” when his teachings are so full of flaws.
There have been a few online people who have already done a good job of picking apart his personal teaching on this, so I will not rehash those points. So let's look directly at this scripture.
Context of 18
The context, like all stories, is set up at the start, with the disciples asking about who is going to be great in heaven. Jesus then answered with many examples, most of them centered around children and his Father’s fierce determination to bring retribution against anyone who causes them to stumble. Sandwiched in the center of this message, Jesus brings forth the scriptures so many now distort.
15 “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. 16 But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ 17 If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.
18 “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
19 “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
The distortion so many uses revolves around the issue of who is a witness and who is not. Some (like Rick) claim it must be an eyewitness. This is not biblical; a witness can see or hear or they can simply be called in to witness the actions (V16) happening at that moment.
This procedure has a simple process that people try to make complicated. It starts on a small scale and builds, and with each level, more and more exposure happens until everyone knows about the issue. If you don’t believe the sin should become public then I suggest a quick re-read of the stories of Achan, Phineas, and Moses's sister Miriam. This is why Doc Brown's tribunal of Todd Bentley was a near-pointless exercise.
How does this apply to the judgment on Rick and middle management?
One of the key verses to keep in mind is, “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” V18. This signifies a shift between the Old and New Testament actions. In the new, God entrusts his people on Earth to render judgments of lasting significance.
When Rick said in his letter to Emily Elston, “On another matter, my authority in ministry did not come from you or the people you have rallied, and no amount of pressure from you can legitimately take it from me.” This is either bold-faced arrogance rooted in a self-absorbed concept of himself. Or is his understanding of the big spiritual picture totally flawed? Yes, Rick was used to raise up the ministry, but this is NOT fire insurance to guarantee a permanent position.
Note: if you would like to read the full context of Rick’s response to Emily then click on the image below to download it…. Please note, I have corrected the link.
In my allegory of the Olive tree. When the Children were broken by the Cardinals, they eventually learned to cry out to the Father. This brought forth a change that required a biblical response.
Over a period of time, there have been people who have attempted to bring issues before Morningstar. I have heard of a few and know of one in particular. But all these attempts were shut down, and the people were socially not treated well. That was stage one of the Matthew 18 process.
Then the Lord used Stephen Powell, if you understand the story, this became what I would call stage two. But much of this was crushed as rumors persisted of victims getting intimidated and paid off by a certain pastor's wife.
So now we are at stage three. God, who sees the end from the beginning, laid down part of the foundation for this before Stephen spoke up with Jeremiah Johnson's word on Rick working in the spirit of Eli. No one else could possibly walk out of the last steps of stage three, so God moved on the victim's behalf, exposing all the sins before the body to complete stage three.
In stage three, we MUST see it and agree that what we are looking at is evil. God presented the evil before His body to establish a legal judgment (Deut 19:15, Matt 18:16 & II Cor 13:1) so that what is rendered in Heaven is confirmed and established on Earth. “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.” Matthew 6:10
It is no accident that there are lawsuits taking place now. This is the physical representation of what is happening in the spiritual, 1 Corinthians 15:46
When Rick said, “…can legitimately take it from me.” He is only partly right under normal circumstances. But we are now dealing with the Judgments of Heaven that have been agreed upon by His Body on earth. The reality is Rick’s place will be taken away from him, and another (in time) will assume that role. We are seeing a very biblical event unfolding before the Body. We just need to look past the veil of “fine-sounding human reasoning” and look at the scriptures ourselves.
I, therefore, ENCOURAGE everyone connected to this to search out the scriptures I put in this post and seek the Lord. Your spiritual declaration in prayer (if you have the Blood of Christ, you have the authority) can accelerate this process.
Oct 18th. “Icabod, part two.”
Next week, “The Calling, Part Three.”
Please note, the link to the email from Rick to Emily has been corrected.
Just a comment on the subject of anger that people are feeling. A therapist once said that anger is a secondary emotion. In other words, it is an intense feeling in response to the initial feeling of hurt, fear, embarrassment, etc. It was very eye-opening to me.