I think it's very important to understand this moment in history. By understanding it, we can be encouraged to see the Kingdom arriving. I believe some of the biggest falling away will soon come, but at the same time, we are going to see some of the strongest Saints. The weak will become strong, the prideful will wander off into darkness.

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I'm very impressed! You processed it well, and people need to understand, for the times when they find themselves in negative jeopardies. I have known that what they did to a friend of mine will visit them; it just takes time, but we can see it coming to pass.

I also know what was done to me, and how I worked to work with them and then the harder thing, to leave the wrong and forgive, but GOD is there to help us, and as I got away, it was amazing how much better I felt, but I still grieve over what it should have been.

To see believers so duped, and having seen others leave in their grief still burdens me, BUT God is moving and showing us that He will judge! The real question is how much do we want THE REAL Kingdom of God, which is real and genuine Love and not using the young believers to fund their fortunes and call it the blessing of God. He will show that He can judge and will tarry longer than we want to show His open mercy, IF CORRECTED.

But if they judge only themselves and blame others, then He will act. The emotional and psychological abuse has been horrific and so many are glad to see it judged rightly. We ALL can sin, so we ALL need to check ourselves, but God's anger is the most effective.

We cannot judge by our own flesh, but pray that corrections will be made so we all can thrive in the right Holy Spirit. There are these "murder" teams that want to kill anything opposing them and they only reason for their own way.

But the most effective help is in our own repentive confessions. Serving in ministry is NOT EASY and most don't know until they try it. Intercessory work is NOT EASY. We do need to learn to give honor where it is due, and not presume our mind is better.

But the Blood of Jesus is strong, as is HIs greater purposes, WHICH HE WILL ACCOMPLISH!! His power is real and we need to SEEK for the best understanding that we can find. We need ALL the ministry gifts of the HOLY SPIRIT. When we get it right, He will honor US with His Presence and revelations, and healing miracles. It's worth contending for!

There seems to be cycles of things that relate to His manifesting displays. We just need to pray and contend in patient prayers for it using His Word. We need to connect with Him in ways that bring His TRUE Presence here to us to correct and establish. He will do it!

Dying to the flesh and our world wishes is hard, but there really is something to it that will bring us where we want to go! Jesus confronted others, it was not all sit down and shut up and give. He has a plan and He has a path and we all can find it, if we give it an effort. Once we catch on, we can't be stopped and He knows that! Some resistance is just the enemy and being IN JESUS is the way to learn how to say good bye! to the devil.

Love the song you shared, too!

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Discernment is the most critical element of faith. Mike Bickles comment holds true, despite his sins. Satan is only capable of counterfeiting what God does, and God ALWAYS flips what Satan does, for the better. With those things in mind we can understand that we're all tempted by Satan but those who make a difference, are tempted more, and in highly clever ways, so using our Discernment we can know that Bickle is a sinner, but some of his work was right. But to move into the kingdom we must be shown the wrong way, so we can choose the right! My thoughts anyway.. I felt compelled to comment because this came up during Johnny Enlow Unfiltered. A leader can sin but not everything he did was wrong.

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