Icabod, The Third Edition.
This page is in chronological order. More will be posted as things develop. Please send me an email to any videos I am missing or any that get pulled.
The following is a continued collection of various materials related to Morningstar Ministries. The most recent is on the top progressing to the older at the bottom. I will be adding to this from time to time as new or updated information comes forth. RF
FYI, special note; as you cruise over these videos and various bits of information you will no doubt notice that I have no videos of Rick speaking. This is personal. I was a member of the Fellowship of Ministries for 15 years with about 7 on staff. I can no longer stand to listen to his voice. Therefore if you wish to hear his side of the story, I am sure you can find it on the internet with a simple search.
Prophetic insight into what is currently unfolding?
If you are looking for that kind of information I suggest you click here. If you are looking for the first edition then please click here to see that post.
Timeline - New to Old
Special note; just because you may or may not like the testimonies below does not make them invalid. An investigation requires examination of all the evidence.”
Click here for Icabod 1 and Icabod 2
Nov 13, Doctor Brown has problems.
After presiding over the Todd Bentley fiasco and attempting to suppress the Bickle Pickle. Doc Brown now has his own problem. No, I did not leak the information, but I had heard the rumor for over a week on X/Twitter that this was coming out before it was shared with me on Facebook. Click on the picture to learn more
Nov 10
Nov 5
Researcher Jason Healey made a post and added a comment.
This helps to add to the historical characteristics of his leadership style.
Nov 1

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Nov 3
Backing up Leah’s testimony we see in this video Steve Thompson has a Leviathan Spirit. So, Rick had several stories to justify removing Steve. The interesting part is Steve has never (to my knowledge) said what he was removed.
Oct 28
“Leaders are never silent,” Leah Wolf.
Steve Thompsons name now gets pulled in along with Jason Hooper. When Steve was let go, I was in the Morningstar Fellowship of Ministries while living in Washington State. We received a letter from Rick stating that Steve was fired because Tom Hardiman came into Rick’s office to tell him that Steve was leading a rebellion against Rick Joyner with Robin McMillan. Now it seems Rick told all the students a different story to keep people separate. The question is, “Who biblically divides the body against each other?”
This video is a good rebuttal to Chris Reed’s video claiming Rick would never cover up abuse.
Oct 27 Insight into Morningstar’s current situation
Oct 25
I spoke with a couple of people I know who knew this woman. They did not go into detail but apparently, there are credibility issues. If you watch John Collins's face during the interview you will see he is not quite sure of her either. Regardless, this is another testimony so I decided to include it.
Oct 24
If you listen to the other videos Chris did. (1) (2) He often attacks Rick in one video and then the next declares his love for him in the next video. The question is, “Is this the evidence of a sound mind, or double-mindedness?”
What is happening in this video is a form of Gaslighting. He starts by creating a bridge of validity with the viewer on a past prophecy. Based on a website a friend sent me (click here to see it) this website did an analysis of his prophetic words. Currently, he seems to be running 50 correct. And to be honest that is better than some people in the past.
After he claims accuracy with his prophecy, he then explains he had a dream about Rick. This was the bridge to extend his past validity to the current dream. He then follows up with innuendo and mild threats to anyone exposing the darkness. All this is cloaked in a thin biblical veil to make you believe the dream was from God.
God does not violate his own words, consider this.
“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” Ephesians 5:11
“Having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.” 2 Timothy 3:5
Oct 25: Although not directly connected to Morningstar, this is a valuable bit of information from Joel Richardson to keep in mind.