I thought of various song lyrics and a scripture or two I could post here for a quote concerning the changing of the seasons. But there are many, so at this point, I would say, please insert whatever song or scripture you would like into your mind for this point.
There are a lot of things playing out, and if you have been a long-time subscriber to my Substack, then you know that for the last few months, I have been hyperfocused on the subject of my former employer. There are reasons for that, and I know it has caused some people to unsubscribe. But to be blunt, the need to help bring an end to that nightmare is far more important than hurt feelings and loss of subscriptions.
To many nieve Christians simply believe that all these exposures can simply be settled if we just all get together and hug it out. This Polly Anna attitude of the nieve is part of what got us into this mess, and such thinking will never lead us out of it. In fact, this attitude will only enforce the walls of the Kingdom of Darkness.
“One Thread”
I think it was Elizabeth Herder’s “One Thread” speech on the Wake Up and Win podcast that finally made me take a serious, biblical look at Rick and say, “He is a Wolf.” Because of this, my response to the hug-it-out crowd is, “Sheep, don’t hug Wolves.” Yes, there is more to that decision, but I don’t want to fill up this post with things I have already covered in previous posts. If you wish to read them, then please click here.
Political Spirit
So now we stand with one foot in one season and the other one starting to move into the next. The exposures will continue because the whole system needs to come down, to do that, even bigger fights will take place. Some of these have already started gearing up with the Daystar mess (2), as well as The Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (A.C.P.E.) having already set its targeting scope on the Scottish community with Emma Stark as its primary target.
This ACPE attack, I feel, is a disingenuous veneer of an attack focused on the rebuke of Emma’s prophetic word concerning Trump. This word (in my opinion) fell in line with words from other voices like Mark Taylor, so I dug deeper. I discovered as I mentioned in the post, “The Prophetic ministry.” Emma was prophesying just before her Trump post that these pretenders' jobs were about to come to an end. And big names in the American Prophetic (A.C.P.E.) were going to get replaced by God.
Why would this group issue such a warning against a prophetic person who lives far away and not the more regional prophetic voices right here in the United States who have said similar things? Could it be for two simple reasons?
The current wave of exposure by the grassroots of American Christianity is starting to expose and reject many of these people. So they need something public before the people to show them they have value?
If they came after an American voice, who is protected by the First Amendment of free speech, the ACPE might find themselves in court, by giving them bad press before the people.
I think I am seeing something far darker approaching that started under Biden is just the pre-shadow. I think… I might be seeing the rise of a very powerful political spirit. This spirit is violent and loves to break family units down with self-righteous zeal that has nothing to do with the Kingdom of God. New dividing lines have already started, and I have seen various social media platforms the horror stories of families broken by this last vote. The fullness of this spirit might not manifest until later on, perhaps after the next four years are over, but we will see.
But here is what I do know.
We are in a window of opportunity; yes, we are going to see some crazy stuff, both good and bad. There are already reports of small revivals breaking out in various places. I watched Wille Robertson of Duck Dynasty baptizing many men at a jail. Crowds of youth in colleges and school committing their lives to Christ. But there are also profound riots taking place in the world. The UK is becoming more and more unsafe for Christians. People have now been arrested for praying on the streets. People's homes have been broken into by the police in the UK for posting truth on the internet and arrested.
On the flip side, there also seems to be the opposite taking place. Instead of dividing… merging. Instead of destroying… building. I won’t say if this is a God thing at this point, but the implications are VERY interesting. Trump has made statements that he is looking to change the 14th. Amendment to the Constitution and remove birth citizenship that is now getting abused by the millions of illegal aliens.
Because of the disaster of the Canadian government happening just to our north. Serious ideas are being floated around from Trump offering the Canadians… American citizenship and the US absorbing all of Canada into the union. If you think this is a “fringe” idea, then consider these three things.
Trump had made several posts on Truth Social about Canada becoming the “51st. state.” (how often does he post if there is not something serious behind it.)
There is a claim that Putin (Russia) is getting ready to offer the same deal. (this could turn into a land grab by the nations as China is also looking very closely at Canada as well.)
Recent polls on X by a Canadian political figure, Stockwell Day, shows that the vast amount of responders ( numbering in the hundreds of responses) to the poll desperately want their own nation to take this deal.
The population density is far higher (98 people per mile) in America as compared to Canada (4.2 people per mile) If this happens, how many will move north, and how many will move south?
A Canadian billionaire by the name of Kevin O'Leary has now stepped into this, see the video below.
Many Canadians are in favor of this, should it happen?
If this takes place, it will drastically change many things for both nations. However, if it does not, and Canada refuses this offer and is forced to keep its allegiance to NATO then we will most likely have a hostile situation. If all this unfolds this way, then I ponder a very old warning dream I had in the late 1980s on the day of atonement. In which Canadian/NATO troops were sneaking across the border to attack Christians.
The State of the “Prophetic” Leaders.
The (A.C.P.E.) and those connected with them have failed to discern the times we are in. These people can not comprehend that God is on the move, cleaning his house, and setting things in order. In effect, the Apostolic & Prophetic community that is supposed to be the wisest and hearing from God is totally failing the biggest open book test in the last 2000 years.
Many of these protect predators and perverts while hiding behind a patriotic banner. if you want to know who I am talking about, I would suggest using 1 Corinthians 15:33 as your guide and do the research on these people.
Meanwhile, the average Christian on the street in 2024 has struggled just for groceries. But now the Lord is correcting things; we need to make use of this bubble in time before us. This is because the Lord will be shifting the attitude of the heart within his body towards the community of God and away from the religious Babylonian system. This is something we will desperately need for where he is taking us in the future.
This is what's around the corner. He is cleaning the house and making room in our hearts for a community life that the system could never provide. As we shift into the wind of this new season, we will know what it feels like to have a sound mind, a burning desire for holiness, and a true compassion for the lost, not just fine-sounding words.
In this Substack post is a link I have built for you to download at the bottom.
Welcome to the Refuge
The following download is a compilation of various articles from our now-defunct e-magazine, “Breadstone Community,” which ran from 2021 to 2023. We served it up in high-color, PDF format so that anyone could enjoy it. It was our “learning curve” for several of us as we featured our regular writers as well as guests.
Most of these writers, including guest writers, have their own Substack accounts now, except Ian Winslow. If you would like to follow them, just click on the links provided at the end of the PDF.
The reason for “Welcome to the Refuge” is that I see this as the next season before the body, even as the cleaning continues. This cleaning will be unending as Jesus roots out the weeds that enwrap around his children's feet.
So please do download the PDF we have. It’s a compilation of various articles over the years, as mentioned, and ask yourself… what do I need to do now?
The image below was the last cover of our last issue of BCM. Click on the image, and the download should start shortly.
Next Week, “Update, Making Progress.”
Ephesians 5:11- Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.
Adding Canada to the United States sounds crazy on the surface only because we have a generation or two who have only seen relatively stable borders. But a few generations ago it the idea of one country absorbing another wouldn't have seemed that odd.
The truth is, it actually makes a lot of sense. I don't think Canada would be a single state. More likely it would keep its 10 provinces and 3 territories for the most part. But it's not historically inconceivable that it could happen.