Several years ago myself, and a couple of up-and-coming writers decided to embark on a Christian Science fiction book project. This ongoing project at the time required many long talks as we built the “rules” of how this universe worked. I recently ran across a memo I sent to everyone, concerning how evil worked biblically and within the Legacy Continuum. Looking it over I realized what was written may be of value to some of my readers on this platform. Please do keep in mind this is for an ongoing fiction book project. Links for the first book will be included below. - RF.
I wanted to take a moment to explain how I see evil and how it influences my writing, especially in the realm of Christian Science Fiction. Evil is the absolute extreme of all things negative, therefore it is so completely foreign or alien to the natural order God has placed in the world. It is in fact so Alien that its very description dances just beyond human sensibilities of right and wrong.
Doing a quick overview concerning spiritual realities found in scripture, Satan and his kingdom are the very heart of the darkest of the dark. He and his forces have no love of anything God has created. And when I say anything, I mean anything even down to the blades of grass in your yard.
As a complete opposite, in the Wuest expanded translation Bible, 1 John 1:5 says. “that God as to His nature is light, and darkness in Him does not exist, not even one particle.”
This flies completely in the face of some modern, 21st. Century thinking has been influenced by the Eastern occult teaching of Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang teach that a little evil exists in good and a little good exists in evil. In reality, that is just a demonic lie meant to appease our fallen sinful nature.
Therefore anything “beautiful, pleasing, etc.” that the demonic world offers is an illusion with strings attached meant to entice and eventually mislead.
How does this affect the use of Aliens in the story?
Aliens are non-human entities authored by the demonic realm. It is clear to me from archeological records, and extra-biblical writings like the Book of Enoch, the Book of Giants, and others that shortly after the Nephilim were created. The fallen angels started experimenting with other living things by crossbreeding with themselves to create life in their image and not God’s. From these horrible hybrids, the human race was seen as a source of food and breeding stock before the flood.
It is from this ancient world that we get the true origin of the word “Monster” and this may be the true source of why the dinosaurs were not allowed by Noah into the ark as it is possible they themselves were possibly hybrid creations. This may also be a plausible explanation for all the “pre-versions” of human beings on the earth that the evolutionists claim we are descended from. Basically, God was not interested in saving anything from the flood that he did not author.
This experimentation of the genetic code of life seems to have continued long after the flood by the traces of some evidence found in the high mountains of South America, Easter Island, and India as they continued to create life according to what they believed.
As a general note, there is a lot of evidence of this kind of stuff all over the world. From the ancient world of the centaurs and cyclops of Rome to the Knights of the Middle Ages killing “dragons” all the way to Marco Polo documenting the kings of China riding on the backs of giant lizards.
Basically, the creation of monsters continued with the stories and evidence of the western tribal people of North America, like the Paiutes who went to war against the red-headed giants who were eating them. Although much of this these wars against the giants took place before the coming of the white man. It should be noted that some members of the Navajo, Apache, and others still carry AR-15 rifles in their trucks. Not because of the coyotes or any other native animals, but because they believe they are still having run-ins with the same creatures of old, Skinwalkers as their ancestors did in the old days.
Because of this information, this is why I included such a monster in the first book when Captain Becker accidentally got flung into the ancient past. Forcing himself to fight such a creature with modern weapons. I wanted the audience to see just how tough and strong such monsters were.
In the book of Enoch, it is recorded that these first Hybrid crossbreeds that we now call Nephilim were approximately 450 feet tall. As crazy as that sounds, evidence has been found to support this claim. It is also clear, at least to me that as time progresses a question wanders to the surface for everyone to ponder.
How did they survive the flood? For Genesis 6 records them before the flood and Numbers 13 records them after the flood in the promised land. Barring for the moment from this discussion the idea of spacecraft, or that some of Noah’s daughters-in-law were possibly not one hundred percent human, or the ability to swim really, really well for 40 days. It seems to me that the demonic world just restarted its breeding program. That is the most logical possibility.
However, in the Legacy Continuum, I am using both the possibility of spacecraft for the eastern blues like Brahma and Shiva. The Egyptian gods like Anubis, Horus, and Isis whoever I am using the second idea of a breeding program mixed with cybernetics.
The archeological record does show a steady decrease in the overall size of these hybrids as the centuries passed until it came to the point that it was hard to find any giant over thirty feet. Then, eventually, giants were no bigger than twelve or fifteen. Case in point, Og King of Basham was still considered a Giant even though he was substantially smaller than the pre-flood giants. Centuries later during Rome, there was even a military general who became Caesar who could pick up a horse, yet he was nowhere as tall as Og.
So, the inevitable question must be asked, “What about redemption?”
“And Jesus said to them, The things belonging to Caesar pay off to Caesar, and the things belonging to God, to God.” Mark 12:17 WET. In this passage and many others, there is a clear image presented. God does not want anything that He did not author.
And if you track the history of the inhabitants of the Holy Land you will notice that the Nephilim in Numbers 13 were eventually called by many other names. And it is those tribes that God commanded to be totally destroyed by Israel. “but thou shalt utterly destroy them; the Hittite, and the Amorite, the Canaanite, and the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite; as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee” Deuteronomy 20:17 RSV.
The Lord’s solution to human hybrids was the complete destruction of them even to the point that they should kill even the animals these tribes owned. Which, considering the previous experimentation by the demonic realm to create Monsters, this makes sense to me. This absolute, total attitude of destruction continues to emphasize the idea that He does not want anything of Satan's kingdom.
Christ came and died for Man. He did not die for angels, demons, Nephilim, or anything else. Redemption is only offered to Man. Therefore, here is an important principle to remember. Anything you author, you are responsible for. God made man, God therefore is the only one who can redeem man. Hybrids can not be redeemed and are meant for destruction.
In the NASB Bible, the following is recorded. “You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes, nor figs from thistles, are they? So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit.” Matthew 1:16-17
However, in the expanded Wuest Bible, more details come to light.
“By their fruits you will clearly recognize them. They do not gather up grapes from bramble bushes or figs from a prickly wild plant, the thistle, do they? In the same manner every intrinsically good tree produces beautiful fruits, but a rotten tree produces fruits which are rotten to the core. An intrinsically good tree is not able to produce rotten fruits, neither is a rotten tree able to produce beautiful fruit. Every tree which is not producing beautiful fruit is customarily cut out and is thrown into the fire. So then, by their fruits you will clearly recognize them.” Matthew 7:16-17 WET
Intrinsic basically means, “belonging to the essential nature or constitution of the original.”
But what does that mean concerning the actions of the people within our stories? Well, we/they continue on, presenting the good news to whomever we find without worrying about who will be saved and who will not. The Father knows who belongs to him. In many places around the world, there is a false idea that the Aliens are coming to save, help, teach, and generally benefit mankind. Yet there are numerous stories, mostly swept under the rug about the tremendous horrors they also bring.
When I was very young, around six or eight years old I remember a lot of the adults talking about a flood of UFO sightings around the county. Some were very close to where I lived. (Early 1970’s) My sister even saw one near our house. Everyone was excited until a young boy, no older than myself went out at night along a road called the Guide Meridian to talk to the aliens that landed near his home. His parents ran outside to discover the boy was on fire and according to the boy, the aliens turned angry and burned him. It was many years later that I became a Christian, but it was this story, firmly planted in my head that taught me Aliens were not what people claimed they were.
For a time there was a ministry in the south near the famous “Area 51” that ministered to victims of UFO abduction. The shaking thing was after years of dealing with it they developed a graph that clearly showed a side-by-side comparison between UFO abductions and Satanic ritualist abuse. There was no change, the victims endured the same nightmare. Both groups were often conditioned to repress the memories with falsely planted memories.
Things like culture, beauty, singing, marriage, family, mentoring, community, and stuff like that all come from the heart of God. That is why I have generally not included any real evidence in my books of alien “cultures” having any of those traits. Because to me, if they did it would be fake, and simply be created for their dark purposes. If alien culture is to be included later, it should feel “fake” or transparent to the reader.
Pure evil seeks the destruction of not only the human race but also the destruction of everything the Lord created in the six days of creation. To accomplish this in the Legacy Continuum they be about will deceive every group, religion, and nation. That is why in the end days, the only thing the people of God will be able to rest on, will be our creator himself: Jesus Christ, the Messiah of the world.
The Legacy Continuum series.
Sure one of the purposes of this Science Fiction book series is entertainment. But it is also meant to make the reader question the world around them, just as much as the current political movements have done.
The current use of Aliens in the first book centers around a race that UFOlogists call The Grays. According to the researchers, The Grays may be a clone race of workers who answer to another race. They hardly ever seem to get emotional, and this is possibly one of the reasons such researchers feel they are clones. This is also the same thinking I am using in the books.
In the first book, Fading Starlight, The Grays are given more personality as clones and the reader quickly discovers that they are one of many evil variations of the Grays cloning program. This program has created various classes of workers, the lowest, the class deeply crave fear as if it were a food source for them.
This is meant for the reader to understand the great differences between what God created and the demonic host created by showing the difference in food sources.
The heroes of the book, who struggle with flaws of their own eventually realize that there is nothing good in them and the aliens who have come. In this, they come to know the aliens are pure evil.
But what about Evil in the everyday world?
We want to tie in the common evil of our everyday world to the evil in the books. Part of the reasoning for this is to make people stop and consider not only the world around us. But also the what-ifs that could happen if such creatures become public in the end times.
Most people are slowly becoming more and more awake as they discover just how much evil there really is. Not that this evil is new, it has just been creatively hidden under our noses for a very long time.
It wasn’t that long ago that if people started talking about things like satanic ritualistic abuse, human sacrifice, cannibalism, sexual perversions, mass genocide from vaccines, and other issues everyone in the past would have written you off as a nut case. Now people are starting to listen because the veneer of our illusion is starting to rip open and everyone is now seeing what the devil has been hiding.
This is because the very nature of evil is the destruction of everything God has made. In their eyes I and you are expendable. And because of our favor with the God of Creation, we the believers in Jesus and the Jewish race are the most expendable. We are the ones the Lord has placed his favor on, and that truly angers them. That is why it has been reported by some people who have been abducted by aliens that everything stops and they are free once the name of Jesus has been declared. That means these “aliens” have heard of him and they know the reputation of the coming King.
So what are the things of this earth that were created by darkness? If you think about them I bet you could name them. Think about the things this world pushes on us, and tries to get us to be addicted too. Not only chemically, but culturally, religiously, but also politically. What are you seeing on the internet, TV, billboards, and other places? Ask yourself, is it wise for you to continue to have anything to do with it?
“…For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” 2 Corinthians 6:14 NIV
Progressing Forward
As the stories progress hidden human cultures in space will be found. These cultures were planted as slave cultures by various alien cultures of the past. Some, like the first one was abandoned because the Lord had hidden the simple roots of Christian truth within the slaves that were taken. A rebellion grew and the aliens abandoned that world.
Our heroes will eventually meet these isolated groups and be forced to deal with these odd variants of historical Christian culture, as well as attempts by evil to infiltrate back into those cultures.
Some of the cultures that will be possibly seen are Early British, Native American, First-century Jewish believers, Spanish, Irish, Scottish, and perhaps others. Each one of these may come face to face with some of the ancient “gods” and need to overcome them like the Irish connection with Morrigu or the Egyptian connection with Isis.
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Hello everyone, I just got off work so this is my first chance to respond. These are great questions, thank you. Hopefully, the answers I give will do more answering than creating more questions. So let's try this by addressing two points. #1 How did the Nephilim survive the flood? #2 Can spiritual beings take physical form?
First of all this subject has been debated by Biblical researchers far better than myself. As of yet none of them has a perfect answer as each of the major four theories has serious flaws, including the theory I am currently using. Don’t worry, I will show that evidence and shoot my own theory before you. The theories are…
#1 The Daughter-in-law theory. This theory holds to the idea that one or more of Noah’s daughter-in-laws had some Nephilim DNA.
#2 The Space Theory. This idea takes the idea of them being in possession of advanced science and one or more of them left the planet before the flood.
#3 Water Theory. This idea is rather basic, in that it presumes that Nephilim were really good at swimming for 40 days.
#4 Rebreeding Theory, This theory is the idea that either someone found a way to survive or spiritual beings restarted a breeding program.
As I said, each has been debated, and each has holes in the arguments. But these discussions continue because the Bible makes it clear that they did exist after the flood. So, the question of how still lingers.
Rebreeding Theory holes. There are a couple of main points for this one. If spiritual beings simply restarted then, according to the book of Enoch these first cross-breeds would be just as tall as the first hybrid cross. But there seems to be no archeological or Mythological evidence to support this. Second, the issues within the book itself. Now as a disclaimer for future readers, I need to say that I do not consider Enoch to be scripture. But I do consider it an excellent historical book for research. Even though this book was quoted by Jesus, the Apostles, and Jude. This book was lost to us for 1800 years and since its primary topics took place pre-flood. And the Lord did mention that the end days will be like unto the days of Noah. This book should be researched.
Enoch makes it clear that the creation of the Nephilim did not take place at the hands of demonic spirits, but a special class of entities called, The Watchers. Condensing down their story, The Watchers were given a job by the Lord to do. They failed miserably, rebelled, and in their acts created “sons” for themselves with human women. In God’s anger, the Watchers were chained and removed from contact with the human race to be judged at the end of time.
This is where the hole is if the Nephilim can only be created the first time by contact with the Watchers and they have been removed from human contact. Then rebreeding can not happen a second time and the only way for them to exist after the flood is the “something survived.” What that is no one knows.
Can spiritual beings take physical form?
I would say yes. Setting aside testimonies from the modern as well as the ancient past. There are a few things from scripture that give us clues. First of all the demons are a twisted, cursed offshoot of the Angelic host. Therefore it is reasonable to assume they still have similar abilities and powers as their former forms. Examples of this can be found in Daniel 10:13 and Jude 1:9 where Angelic forces seemed to be in a stalemate power-wise as they fought each other. So by supposition, I assume whatever the Angelic forces can do, the demonic can do as well.
Genesis 3:24 a cherubim guards the way back to Eden. What would be the point of guarding if he could not assume some measure of a physical form to prevent any returns?
Genesis 18 the “three men.” It is generally assumed that one of the three was a form of Christ himself. If this is so what about the other two? If they obviously took on some physical form as it is recorded they ate the food given (v.8) and later in Sodom and Gomorrah they grabbed the hands of Lot’s family and physically led them out of the city.
2 Kings 19:35 the Angel killed 185,000 Assyrians
Acts 12:7 The Angel struck Peter’s side.
And Hebrews 13:2 where it is said, “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.” If some people have entertained Angels unaware in their own home. Then that means there was NOTHING about them that would make people believe they were not human.
In my understanding of scripture, I am aware of no scripture that says the Demonic lost any of their abilities when they fell.
So this will hopefully answer at least a couple of things. But for a far more in-depth understanding, I would refer you to Timothy Alberino who has the time to do a far better in-depth research on this unpopular topic. I am including a link that I suggest everyone dig into as Timothy has done a nine-part YouTube series from a Biblical standpoint on the issue of Aliens and such in this world. Here is the link.
It's my understanding that the Nephilim spirits would remain on earth until their specific judgment by Jesus. That's why some people are still seeing them...Bigfoot, aliens etc. This was an excellent piece!