Hello everyone, I just got off work so this is my first chance to respond. These are great questions, thank you. Hopefully, the answers I give will do more answering than creating more questions. So let's try this by addressing two points. #1 How did the Nephilim survive the flood? #2 Can spiritual beings take physical form?


First of all this subject has been debated by Biblical researchers far better than myself. As of yet none of them has a perfect answer as each of the major four theories has serious flaws, including the theory I am currently using. Don’t worry, I will show that evidence and shoot my own theory before you. The theories are…

#1 The Daughter-in-law theory. This theory holds to the idea that one or more of Noah’s daughter-in-laws had some Nephilim DNA.

#2 The Space Theory. This idea takes the idea of them being in possession of advanced science and one or more of them left the planet before the flood.

#3 Water Theory. This idea is rather basic, in that it presumes that Nephilim were really good at swimming for 40 days.

#4 Rebreeding Theory, This theory is the idea that either someone found a way to survive or spiritual beings restarted a breeding program.

As I said, each has been debated, and each has holes in the arguments. But these discussions continue because the Bible makes it clear that they did exist after the flood. So, the question of how still lingers.

Rebreeding Theory holes. There are a couple of main points for this one. If spiritual beings simply restarted then, according to the book of Enoch these first cross-breeds would be just as tall as the first hybrid cross. But there seems to be no archeological or Mythological evidence to support this. Second, the issues within the book itself. Now as a disclaimer for future readers, I need to say that I do not consider Enoch to be scripture. But I do consider it an excellent historical book for research. Even though this book was quoted by Jesus, the Apostles, and Jude. This book was lost to us for 1800 years and since its primary topics took place pre-flood. And the Lord did mention that the end days will be like unto the days of Noah. This book should be researched.

Enoch makes it clear that the creation of the Nephilim did not take place at the hands of demonic spirits, but a special class of entities called, The Watchers. Condensing down their story, The Watchers were given a job by the Lord to do. They failed miserably, rebelled, and in their acts created “sons” for themselves with human women. In God’s anger, the Watchers were chained and removed from contact with the human race to be judged at the end of time.

This is where the hole is if the Nephilim can only be created the first time by contact with the Watchers and they have been removed from human contact. Then rebreeding can not happen a second time and the only way for them to exist after the flood is the “something survived.” What that is no one knows.

Can spiritual beings take physical form?

I would say yes. Setting aside testimonies from the modern as well as the ancient past. There are a few things from scripture that give us clues. First of all the demons are a twisted, cursed offshoot of the Angelic host. Therefore it is reasonable to assume they still have similar abilities and powers as their former forms. Examples of this can be found in Daniel 10:13 and Jude 1:9 where Angelic forces seemed to be in a stalemate power-wise as they fought each other. So by supposition, I assume whatever the Angelic forces can do, the demonic can do as well.

Genesis 3:24 a cherubim guards the way back to Eden. What would be the point of guarding if he could not assume some measure of a physical form to prevent any returns?

Genesis 18 the “three men.” It is generally assumed that one of the three was a form of Christ himself. If this is so what about the other two? If they obviously took on some physical form as it is recorded they ate the food given (v.8) and later in Sodom and Gomorrah they grabbed the hands of Lot’s family and physically led them out of the city.

2 Kings 19:35 the Angel killed 185,000 Assyrians

Acts 12:7 The Angel struck Peter’s side.

And Hebrews 13:2 where it is said, “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.” If some people have entertained Angels unaware in their own home. Then that means there was NOTHING about them that would make people believe they were not human.

In my understanding of scripture, I am aware of no scripture that says the Demonic lost any of their abilities when they fell.

So this will hopefully answer at least a couple of things. But for a far more in-depth understanding, I would refer you to Timothy Alberino who has the time to do a far better in-depth research on this unpopular topic. I am including a link that I suggest everyone dig into as Timothy has done a nine-part YouTube series from a Biblical standpoint on the issue of Aliens and such in this world. Here is the link.


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It's my understanding that the Nephilim spirits would remain on earth until their specific judgment by Jesus. That's why some people are still seeing them...Bigfoot, aliens etc. This was an excellent piece!

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So, question...

How is it that spiritual beings (fallen angels) are able to crossbreed with physical beings (humans)? How could this result in 35 foot tall creatures?

Did they breed with animals to create dinosaurs or other monsters?

Are you arguing that aliens are demons in physical form?

Why would the fallen angels/demons ever stop doing this if it was so successful God destroyed the earth because of it? In fact, you state that they continued after the flood. But why then are we not overrun with these beings now?

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