The following is a continued collection of various materials related to Morningstar Ministries. There has been so much coming out like a flood that this information is far from complete... RF
Most of the following information is becoming well known. Therefore, I have added some, hopefully, new information to be listed here.
Click here for Icabod 1 and Icabod 2 and Icabod 3
Here is some general information in no particular order
In my Post, “Welcome to the Shunem Foundation, I brought up the issue of who is the Morningstar Board?” Or does the board even know what is really going on?
Well, I can now give you the full names of the Morningstar Board, or should I say the board we assume was in control when Chris was still employed at the ministry.
I ENCOURAGE people to do the research into who these people are and ask them hard questions. Especially people like Mike Gottfried.
If you have been following the larger context of so many ministries getting in trouble and then doubling down on protecting themselves, a person must ask why. Why are these people working so hard to convince the world? Well, please keep in mind that MANY of these leaders in IHOP, Daystar, and other places have serious government connections. If you take a moment and do the research into the above picture, you will discover that MOST of these faces have tight connections. Because of that, I am sure they have heard President Trump’s plans. Consider the next photo.
How many pastors do you think will hang?
God does not violate his own words, consider this.
“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” Ephesians 5:11
“Having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.” 2 Timothy 3:5
Many High-quality videos have come out from many corners, I simply can not feature them all. But here are a few you may not have seen.
In other news (not video), I am being told that Rick is trying to raise money to build a new hotel up in Moravian Falls. I assume his plan is to have this as a backup in case he loses the Fort Mill Facility. He already had to break away from CSCL (K-12 school) because of the growing lawsuits concerning it.
Also, in a strange turn of events that displays Rick’s current mental state. Rick is now forbidding the West Meadows Community from using the Welcome Center in Moravian Falls. The welcome center was built for the community. From this, it is believed Rick will have ANOTHER lawsuit on his hands as the covenants allow the people to use it whenever they want.
In my prophetic post, “Checkmate” I spoke about the spiritual game board playing out against Rick.
Then, later in the post “Odds and Ends,” I communicated a short prophetic vision where I saw a clock and learned that Rick has three moves left on the board.
Odds and Ends.
A while back a prophetic friend communicated to me that he felt that Rick bringing Todd Bentley back was one of the moves Rick had left he could play. I have had time to rest on this and ponder it. I feel he is right, Rick played his move and now he only has two moves left.
Months ago, we heard the rumor Rick wanted to bring Todd back, but no one believed this message. Now I am hearing he wants to bring Chris Reed back, will this be his second move as the clock runs out?